Home/December 2012 Articles


Fr Nicolas Stebbing CR is a member of the Community of the Resurrection Mirfield. If you wish to support his work and the work of the Church in Zimbabwe you can contact him through the website of the Community of [...]

letters to the editor

The answer is there From Mr Anthony Kilmister The Church of England is busy merging three dioceses in its northern Province and in their stead creating a diocese and bishopric of Leeds. All this reconstruction can apparently be achieved by [...]


No one could have predicted the vote at November’s meeting of General synod. The legislation to ordain women to the episcopate failed in the House of Laity by six votes. Following the announcement of the results the recriminations began with [...]

30 days

3@forwardinfaith.co0days@forwardinfaith.com What a difference a vote makes! That WATCH should indulge itself in quite so much hyperbole in the wake of the vote should come as no surprise. That the result should be a ‘devastating blow’ goes without saying, given [...]


Light and Gifts Arthur Middleton Some years ago, in the Mendip caves, all the lights went out and left us in total darkness. Nobody could pick up any light within that darkness. So it was also an experience of blindness, [...]

touching place

St Mary the Virgin, Fairford, Glos Fairford church is what most people expect to see in a Cotswold market town, a big 15th c. church at the centre of a well-cared for churchyard. This is the result of a rebuild [...]

the way we live now

‘And the lot fell upon Matthias’ Christopher Smith can’t see that either Hobson’s Choice or Buridan’s Ass has much to offer II wonder whether it is true to say that we in the West have a somewhat ambivalent relationship with [...]


A Pilgrim’s Progress Tom Sutcliffe on a remarkable ENO production of Vaughan Williams’s opera based on Bunyan I was given a copy of The Pilgrim’s Progress by my grandmother as a present to mark my confirmation by Bishop Bell on [...]

faith of our fathers

Arthur Middleton on translating the Bible In the Prayer Book on the Second Sunday in Advent the Collect acknowledges that the Holy Scriptures were given for our learning and prays that we may hear them, read, mark, learn and inwardly [...]

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