Home/December 2015 Articles


New Directions congratulates all those who have been elected to serve on the General Synod in the recent elections. It will not surprise readers, however, that we offer our loudest cheers for those who will constitute the Catholic Group when [...]

touching place

ST MARY, WARWICK Many large towns and cities have a dominant mediaeval church in their centre – just think of St Peter Mancroft in Norwich, or St Mary Redcliffe in Bristol. From a distance the tower of Warwick church is [...]


Tom Sutcliffe considers questions of life and death In the theatre we find that death is generally taken more seriously than life. This thought occurs because a few weeks ago I went to the first night of a new production [...]

Book of the month

FATHERS IN GOD? Resources for reflection on women in the episcopate Edited by Colin Podmore Canterbury Press Norwich, 272pp, pbk 978 1848258266, £19.99 Since I cannot claim to be an impartial reviewer of Fathers in God?, let me begin by [...]

the way we live now

Christopher Smith’s column this month is not to be shared with the children The number of people around who appear to be perpetually outraged seems to grow and grow. Private Eye printed a cartoon last month showing some ropey-looking demonstrators [...]


Arthur Middleton Silence and Prayer Silence and the Single Phrase The question many people ask today is not ‘why do we pray?’, but ‘how can we pray in a world that has become so busy and noisy in a culture [...]

Ghostly Counsel

Developing Capacity Andy Hawes is Warden of Edenham Regional Retreat House Edward King, the saintly Bishop of Lincoln from 1885 to 1910, taught that the communion with God which we call prayer was natural to humanity. His approach to spirituality [...]

Ark of the Covenant

The feast of our Lady's Immaculate Conception is the promise of Christmas; our salvation is already in the bud. As the first green shoot heralds the approach of spring, in a world that is frost-bound and seems dead; so in [...]

Season’s Reheatings

Some ideas for using up the remains of your Christmas dinner I cannot abide wasted food, so here are some ideas for dealing with festal leftovers in the Christmas Octave. Whether you've had goose, chicken, or turkey, the carcass is [...]

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