Home/December 2018 Articles

A Philosopher At Large

Servitor remembers Mary Midgley   The philosopher Mary Midgley, who died this October aged 99, taught at Newcastle University for many years and, after her children had grown up, published many books and articles. Those who were taught by her [...]

2019-02-13T16:08:59+00:00December 2018 Articles|

The Great War

Robert Beaken considers the causes of the First World War   I have been slightly dreading today, the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War in 1918. As a historian and author of a book about the [...]

2019-02-13T16:08:11+00:00December 2018 Articles|

Engendered Confusion

Alan Smith attempts to answer the questions you were too afraid to ask   When I was young, sex was taught in biology and gender was taught in grammar. Then there came a time when ‘gender’ seemed to be used [...]

2019-02-13T16:07:37+00:00December 2018 Articles|

Joy to the World

Mother Mary Luke CHC offers a devotion at Benediction   ‘The gracehoper was always jigging a jog on account of his joyicity.’ I love these words by the master wordsmith, James Joyce. They conjure up a picture of someone so [...]

2019-02-13T16:06:18+00:00December 2018 Articles|

A Courtyard in Jerusalem

Ann George is faced with an onerous task   At the beginning of my teaching career in Jerusalem I was immediately presented with a challenge at my very first elementary school teachers’ meeting, obviously orchestrated by some of the current [...]

2019-02-13T16:05:39+00:00December 2018 Articles|

Secular Liturgies

Tom Sutcliffe considers Remembrance   When I was admitted as a chorister at Chichester Cathedral on Lady Day 1954, I was given a copy of the 1928 Prayer Book signed by Dean Duncan-Jones. I also became eligible to attend the [...]

2019-02-13T16:04:33+00:00December 2018 Articles|

Letter to the Editor

From Father Stephen Jones Sir I much appreciated Edward Dowler’s piece entitled ‘Marginalising Catholicism’ in the November 2018 edition of New Directions.  Reflecting upon the theme of ‘Catholic Mission’, Fr Dowler sets out two ‘guiding principles’ which inform his ongoing [...]

2019-02-13T16:04:03+00:00December 2018 Articles|

Winter Diary

Thurifer  offers a new way forward   Ellen Wilkinson (1891–1947) was a Labour MP and writer. As MP for Jarrow she was a central figure in the ‘Jarrow Crusade,’ which saw a group of men from her constituency march to [...]

2019-02-13T16:03:14+00:00December 2018 Articles|

Views, Reviews and Previews

Art   Modern Couples: Art, Intimacy and the Avant-Garde Barbican Art Gallery until 27 January 2019   This is a compelling, even odd, exhibition which mixes the obvious and the doctrinaire. The obvious is that for a number of artists [...]

2019-02-13T16:01:07+00:00December 2018 Articles|
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