Home/February 2000 Articles

Baptism of Fire

George Austin reflects upon an incendiary relationship THE FLAGSHIP DIOCESE of Brechin has been a constant delight to readers of New Directions. Even so, the current saga could not been dreamt up even by the creator of the April Heavisides [...]

Unwise So to Do

David Mills offers a prudential argument against the ordination of women EVERY AGE, C. S. Lewis noted in "The Reading of Old Books," "is specially good at seeing certain truths and specially liable to make certain mistakes. . . . [...]


MISTRESS OF ALL I SURVEY 30 DAYS has had several phone calls from laity and clergy about a recent questionnaire, distributed in various parishes around them, about the reception of women priests. The forms come from the very reliable "Christian [...]

Saved by the Bell

Phyllis Bowman describes the trials and tribulations of a life dedicated to life I MUST BEGIN by thanking Father Gardom and the Cost of Conscience Committee for inviting me to give this year's John Keble Lecture. It is a great [...]

Malawi Musings

Rodney Schofield asks What price an African Christianity? YOU MAY, and you must, have an African Christianity.” Pope Paul VI urged this at the first Pan-African meeting of Roman Catholic Bishops held in Uganda in 1969. He was, of course, [...]

Christ our Future

Bishop David Silk “Greater love has no one than this - to lay down one’s life for one's friend”. (John 15:13) So says Jesus on the eve of his crucifixion. The words have, of course, been borrowed with both justification [...]

Faith of our Fathers

Was the Incarnation Sexist? False Assumptions In the highly charged feminist atmosphere of our times it is often mistakenly assumed that questions regarding sexism and God's action in the Incarnation are contemporary concerns that have not hitherto been considered. So [...]


The sublime and the ridiculous, it has often been remarked, are closely allied. To play Mozart in Auschwitz is a sublime expression of the human spirit. But it is the next thing to madness to fiddle while Rome burns. The [...]

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