Home/February 2007 Articles

arts, books, other reviews

art WILLIAM POWELL FRITH PAINTING THE VICTORIAN AGE Guildhall Art Gallery, London Till 4 March, £2-50 William Powell Frith (1819-1909) was a hugely successful Victorian artist, and the exhibition at the Guildhall Gallery is full of paintings that will be [...]


America 1 from the Bishop of Bethlehem The dealings of the Archbishop of Canterbury with the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church lie at the heart of the present dis-ease in the Anglican Communion. Archbishop Rowan has himself admitted [...]

letters to the editor

The real leadership From the Revd Dr Edward Baty The article by the Bishop of Bolton [ND December] and the responses in the January issue reflect what appears to be a curious omission in Anglican thinking about Holy Orders and [...]

30 days

Ten glorious years Great celebrations in St Davids Cathedral to mark the tenth anniversary of the ordination of women priests in the Church in Wales. The Right Revd Carl Cooper, Bishop of St Davids, said in a press release: 'Ever [...]

Touching Place

ST GILES, HOLME, NOTTS Holme church is close to the Al, just north of Newark, but unfortunately the Trent intervenes, and you'll need a diversion and a decent map to get there. But get there you must, for St Giles' [...]

The Mockery of Christ

Sacred vision In 1436 Cosimo de' Medici gave the Dominicans the church and convent of San Marco. Michelozzo was charged with the radical restructuring of the buildings and Fra Angelico with their decoration. Without doubt the frescoes at San Marco [...]


Oh dear, February! Aidan Mayoss cr There is only one good thing about February. It's short! In spite of global warming we sneeze and shiver, but take heart from the indefatigable snowdrops - a natural reminder of the annual miracle [...]

Christ the new Adam

The link between Christ and Adam appears in several books but not always in the same way Patrick Henry Reardon is a Senior Editor of Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity When the New Testament treats of the relation between [...]

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