Home/February 2007 Articles

Ghostly Counsel

Goodness and holiness Andy Hawes is Warden of Edenham Regional Retreat House A collect prays to the Lord: 'increase our holiness that our prayer may be heard' [Year 1, Week 1, Eucharistic lectionary]. Note that the prayer is for an [...]

Was he a Catholic?

In the final instalment of the series, George Austin delivers his verdict on Shakespeare's religious beliefs This series has examined the influence of post-reformation Catholicism on Shakespeare's life and work. So was this gentle, uncontroversial poet and playwright a Catholic, [...]

January confusion

Ernest Skublics is bemused by the different feasts this month and offers his own suggestion Once again we must preach our way through a complex sequence of feasts. Christmas and Epiphany have been followed in various configurations by feasts of [...]

To the point

I. Reviewing Resolutions My archdeacon says that the PCC must vote again on resolutions A, B and C when our rector moves next month. Is she right? In a word, no. The Patronage (Benefices) Measure 1986 (as amended) provides that, [...]

Our friend Junia

John Hunwicke returns to that favourite New Testament character the Apostle Junia, but comes to a different conclusion to most people and explains it all with great care to his bemused questioner So what's all this about Junia? Isn't it [...]

Visions of heaven

Francis Gardom asks us to consider seriously what will happen to us after death and to build up clearer pictures of life after life When one arrives to take a funeral at the crematorium, the chances are that the previous [...]

Unchristian regulation

Thomas Cordrey continues last month's discussion on the forthcoming Sexual Orientation Regulations and the threat they will pose to Christian values On 9 January 2007 over 3000 Christians from all denominations assembled outside Parliament for a peaceful torch-lit demonstration against [...]


Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen.' The philosophy of one-time Minister of Education, Sir David Eccles, came to mind as my radio recently announced Ryanair's record profits. Ryan's budget travel is aided by cuts in comfort to cut costs. No [...]

Revived ecclesiology

The Church has moved from the periphery to the centre of theological study. Ernest Skublics sketches the reasons for this change and how it has come about that ecclesiology has become so central to ecumenical progress Half a century ago, [...]

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