Home/February 2020 Articles

Touching place

HOLY TRINITY, MINSTERLEY, SALOP   We do not associate the Western Marches with industry, but the Stiperstones area around Minsterley, southwest of Shrewsbury, had rich lead deposits, with mining going back to the early Roman settlement, and mining continued for [...]

2020-04-25T11:53:58+00:00February 2020 Articles|

Ghostly Counsel

Emotions   Andy Hawes    Emotional experience can play a huge and powerful role in Christian discipleship. For some individuals their prayer life, witness and service as a Christian are powered by emotion. People can remark ‘I felt this was [...]

2020-04-25T11:53:20+00:00February 2020 Articles|

Faith of our fathers

Arthur Middleton on the meaning of the incarnation   The antiphon to the Benedictus for the Circumcision in The English Office is a succinct exposition of the incarnation. It reads:   A great and wondrous mystery is made known to [...]

2020-04-25T11:52:50+00:00February 2020 Articles|

The History of Candlemas

John Gayford considers the beautiful symbolism of this feast   Candlemas is the popular name for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, which had several names, until 1969 called The Purification of Mary. It celebrates [...]

2020-04-25T11:51:39+00:00February 2020 Articles|

February Diary

Thurifer takes the air   In the depths of winter, some look forward to summer sun. Refreshment and reinvigoration were part of the attraction of Spa towns where many would flock ‘to take the waters.’ If that attracts you, why [...]

2020-04-25T11:49:38+00:00February 2020 Articles|

The way we live now

Christopher Smith decides not to relocate to Canada   It has been mild but wet in London recently, and, in the words of the song, nothing falls like London rain.  Who wouldn’t rather be somewhere less rheumatic, like Lisbon or [...]

2020-04-25T11:46:25+00:00February 2020 Articles|
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