Home/January 1998 Articles


STRANGERS AND FRIENDS: A NEW EXPLORATION OF HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE BIBLE, Michael Vasey (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1995) 276 pp pb, £9.99 ISBN 0 340 60814 5 I STARTED READING Vasey's book with a certain trepidation, conscious of his determined, [...]

Synod Insider

Millennarian MILLENNIUM FEVER is gripping the nation and for that matter the world. As I look out of my office window, I can see the cranes on the site of the Millennium Dome in Greenwich. In Paris preparations are being [...]


Highways and Byways of Hymns January 1998 The Twelve Winners THIS COLUMN CAN now exclusively reveal three things. First: in the year after next, we should enter what is called a new millennium. Second: people all over Britain have been [...]

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