Home/January 2004 Articles

FiF Update

Forward in Faith E-Mail Have you ever wanted to get in touch with a Forward in Faith Diocesan Branch? Perhaps your own branch, in order to find out what’s happening locally, or perhaps some other branch, with a question that [...]


What is Truth? George Austin asks an unoriginal question It was Mark Twain who coined the phrase: ‘lies, damned lies and statistics’. In Shakespeare’s As You Like It, Touchstone suggested no less than seven, ending with the ‘lie circumstantial’ and [...]

Letter from Malawi

It is the biblical understanding of persons that is at issue Before the gathering of Primates in October the Archbishop of Central Africa (who generally refers to the goings-on in New Hampshire as ‘all this nonsense’) estimated that of the [...]

Book Reviews

Cornwall, Compostela, Cologne, East Anglia The Cockleshell Pilgrim A Medieval Journey to Compostela Katherine Lack SPCK, 176pp, pbk 0 281 05590 4, [£7.99] I received this book just before setting off for a long railway journey, and took it with [...]

Letter from Australia

Accuracy and Beauty Just before his retirement as Bishop of North Sydney a couple of years ago, Paul Barnett, a noted historian and New Testament scholar, lamented the plethora of available biblical translations and called for modern Christians to come [...]

Letter from America

Excerpts from a letter delivered to Bishop Michael Curry by a number of priests in the Diocese of North Carolina November 26, 2003 Dear Bishop Curry, Your support of the ordination of Canon Eugene Robinson and vote to acknowledge the [...]

Synod Insider

Stable Relationships NOW that the first three years of the third millennium have slipped by, what are your hopes for 2004? Are they to do with your family, your job, your holiday, your home, your car, your football team, England’s [...]

The Way We Live Now

Alitteration Is it a sign of age that I am becoming increasingly irritated by litter? Lewisham is awash with everything from cigarette packages and fast food cartons to discarded fridges. I womble the churchyard with ever greater frequency. But what [...]

30 Days

IMMACULATE MISCONCEPTION One of our senior correspondents was visiting family Stateside in the early autumn of this year. On the first Sunday of the stay she and her husband duly pitched up at the local Episcopal church in Portland . [...]

Why They Quit – Part Two

Francis Gardom on Tweenage Apostasy In December’s article we faced the unpalatable fact that a thousand or more children quit churchgoing permanently every Sunday, especially the eleven-to-fourteen-year-olds. The exceptions – churches with a large and active children’s ministry – merely [...]

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