Home/January 2006 Articles

arts, books, other reviews

art SAMUEL PALMER VISION AND LANDSCAPE British Museum Ends 22 January, £5 Samuel Palmer (1805–1881) was one of the great British visionary painters. This exhibition is particularly interesting because it shows his whole artistic life, including his lesser-known etchings, landscapes [...]


Canada Self-destruction The Anglican Church of Canada, once the bastion church of all non-Roman Catholic Christianity north of the American border, was formally warned this month that it is ever more rapidly disappearing, and that unless something drastic is done [...]

last chronicle

Thousands of enthusiastic well-wishers joined the worshippers streaming out of the Cathedral at the conclusion of the service of inauguration to welcome the Church of England’s first Inuit Archbishop. The Rt Revd Michael Kalago (58), who travelled to the Cathedral [...]

30 Days

Fairy tale Many happy returns to Salisbury Cathedral’s Precentor, Canon Jeremy Davies, who this weekend celebrates his sixtieth birthday by conforming to the Church of England’s teaching expressed in the House of Bishops’ statement on Civil Partnerships with his long-time [...]

Touching Place

ST MARY'S, WELLINGBOROUGH A stone’s throw from the railway station, the unpromising exterior of St Mary’s is at first glance a Perpendicular essay in the local golden ironstone, but its interior more than makes up for that. Commissioned in 1904 [...]

Tree’s company

Alan Edwards enjoys the analogies in a pre-Christmas civic struggle UN peacekeeping troops have become a familiar sight in many areas of our war-torn world in recent years. Yet a month ago the boys in blue berets were poised to [...]

the patrick reardon page

Handing on tradition Patrick Henry Reardon is a Senior Editor of Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity The first extant Christian use of the word ‘tradition’ (paradosis) is found in what appears to be the second earliest book in the [...]


Unity of humanity Jane Gore-Booth Our lives as Christians cannot stay static: either our love for God and our neighbour deepens and expands, or it shrinks and we become increasingly self-centred and selfish. There is a lovely story of someone [...]

Ghostly Counsel

Resolutions Andy Hawes is Warden of Edenham Regional Retreat House The New Year does present a blank page to start again; psychologically it turns a page and it can feel like a fresh start. This is why resolutions are part [...]

Northern lights

George Austin on Archbishop John Sentamu’s enthronement Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. I have to admit my imagination led me astray. As details emerged of the plans for Archbishop John Sentamu’s inauguration – bongo drums and African dancing, balloons and [...]

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