Home/January 2009 Articles

arts, books, other reviews

PATHS TO FAME Turner Watercolours from the Courtauld The Courtauld Gallery Until 25 January; £5 SISLEY IN ENGLAND AND WALES National Gallery Until 15 February; free Turner is one of the great watercolourists. Dorothy Scharf was one of the great [...]


America Provisional Constitution of the Anglican Church of North America PREAMBLE In the Name of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. We are Anglicans in North America united by our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ [...]

Forward in Faith update

Women Bishops Please hold in your prayers the General Synod of the Church of England, as it meets at the beginning of next month - particularly during the morning of Wednesday, 11th February, when it gives First Consideration to the [...]

30 days

Footballs News Many thanks to the 30Days reader who spotted this in the Salisbury diocesan Cycle of Prayer for the current quarter: 25 CHRISTMAS DAY St Bartholomew - Stephen Morgan, June Lane, Stanley Wilson (LLM) We ask for God's help [...]

Touching Place

All saints, Margaret street, London W1 Just yards behind Oxford Street, Margaret Street is one of those quiet backwaters of bustling central London. The long-planned model church for the Ecclesiological Society, All Saints' foundation stone was laid by Dr Pusey [...]

the way we live now

Geoffrey Kirk on the Archbishop of Canterbury's apparent commitment to a theology of dialogue Like everyone else I have been reading Rupert Shortt's book about Rowan Williams. ('To write one book about the Archbishop might be thought to demonstrate admiration, [...]

Faith of our Fathers

Arthur Middleton on the masquerade of Anglicanism When John Bramhall became bishop of Londonderry, he decided to raise the theological standard of his diocese among his clergy. He told Laud, 'I doubt much whether the clergy be very orthodox.' What [...]

Sacred vision

Gozzoli: The Journey of the Magi Gozzoli had painted the Magi before - and for the same family. Cosimo de Medici had commissioned an Adoration of the Magi for his Convent of San Marco, and Gozzoli rendered it in the [...]

Back to the future

Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah played a crucial role in the transmission of history Patrick Henry Reardon is a Senior Editor of Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah. These prophets of the seventh century bc figure often [...]


God the Prison Visitor Arthur Middleton Alfred Delp, a German Jesuit priest, found himself implicated in the failed attempt on Hitlers life in 1944 and was swept into prison in the widespread campaign to inflict Hitlers anger on any who [...]

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