‘An elephant in the crib’ p. 25. It was before Christmas 2008 that we received the short piece on rural cribs, a matter of days too late for inclusion in the January issue. It seemed too charming to throw away, [...]
‘An elephant in the crib’ p. 25. It was before Christmas 2008 that we received the short piece on rural cribs, a matter of days too late for inclusion in the January issue. It seemed too charming to throw away, [...]
Reminiscences wanted! In an exciting new initiative, LAST CHRONICLE is proposing to compile a slender volume to mark the retirement of one of the Church of England’s best loved bishops. We propose, in words and pictures to celebrate an episcopate [...]
Forward in Faith and the Future The Forward in Faith Council, meeting last month at All Saints Pastoral Centre, London Colney, passed three resolutions of note, which we reproduce here in order that there be no confusion about the position [...]
Is the Pope an Anglican? It rather looks as though the answer is yes. When we consider, as many are doing, what exactly makes up the Anglican patrimony referred to in the Apostolic Constitution, we are led to the inescapable [...]
Faith of the clergy From Mr Alan Bartley bsc arcs Charles Raven rightly critiqued Archbishop Rowan William ‘s Roman Lecture [ND December] with its overemphasis on the agreed oneness of the Baptised as the Church as his key to ecumenical [...]
Is nothing sacred? 30Days was diverted to learn from The Daily Telegraph that a Canadian academic, Shauna Wilton, has recently completed research on a series of books which, she claims, demonstrate a lamentable failure ‘adequately to represent women’, owing to [...]
St Katherine, Chiselhampton, Oxon When the porcelain merchant Charles Peers rebuilt Chiselhampton church in 1762, he commemorated his wife by changing the church's dedication from St Mary to St Katherine. Attributed to the architect Samuel Dowbiggin, it is a charming [...]
Geoffrey Kirk on the Anglican model of the Church and its self-contradiction One of the sadder moments of recent synodical history was the presentation by Archbishop John Zizioulas (at the invitation of the Archbishop of Canterbury) of the very important [...]
Learn from hobbits Ed Tomlinson turns to Tolkein for an accurate depiction of the nature of Christian life and the importance of working for the common good There can be no denying the Church owes a debt of gratitude to [...]
Arthur Middleton on renewed expressions of parish life inspired by Fr Michonneau’s writings The trend in contemporary worship is towards attractive services to communicate political or sociological information, enhancing the feel-good factor and instant comprehension. ‘Fresh Expressions’ culture is part [...]