Home/January 2011 Articles

Ghostly Counsel

Bonds of peace Andy Hawes is Warden of Edenham Regional Retreat House Most readers of this magazine are subscribers through their experience of ‘fellowship in adversity.’ The need to come together with others, in a shared need for support and [...]

Not of one mind

Dominic Scarborough on the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales and orthodox Catholics. The Holy Father’s September visit to the United Kingdom was widely regarded as a great success, both as a tonic to British lay Catholics and as a [...]

from elsewhere

CHICAGO Bishop bridges the chasm between faith and science s a trained oceanographer, pilot and high-profile prelate, Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori seems like the ideal ambassador to bridge the widening chasm between faith and science. She will step [...]


Some holy men are theologians. Some theologians are holy men. Some men are both – notably our Lord. Yet all give priority to one aspect or another. It can be said, dangerously, that Jesus put theology in second place to [...]

Medieval baptism

Not only did the medieval church believe in the Seven Sacraments, but it taught the faithful about them visually – in carved stone and painted wood and glass – as shown in the representation of a medieval baptism in late [...]

Manhood in the Church

John C. Stults on how men should be Christian G.K. Chesterton purportedly said that most men in his day were reduced to Victorian lapdogs when it came to Christianity. Little has changed. Today, men are supposed to be ‘nice’ in [...]

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