Home/July 2005 Articles

last chronicle

You will have met him or (just as probably) her. S/he is a clergy person whose only theological certainty concerns the heroic dignity of doubt. Volunteer an orthodox opinion – that the tomb was empty, the conception was virginal, the [...]

2017-09-25T19:02:54+00:00July 2005 Articles|

Forward in Faith update

Double Celebration We trust that the historic Church of St Alban the Martyr, Holborn, in Brooke Street, London EC1, just around the corner from Chancery Lane tube station, will be packed out at 12.00 noon on Saturday, 16 July for [...]

2017-09-25T19:02:28+00:00July 2005 Articles|

Name that diocese

John Higginbotham, from the Diocese of Alliance and Leicester on this month's Southwell diocesan motion Nicholas Turner’s comments on diocesan restructuring [ND May] rang all too true. It is inconceivable that the present structures will be sustainable long into this [...]

2017-09-25T19:02:03+00:00July 2005 Articles|

True devotion?

Edward Baty on the Shrine of the Queen of Peace Camberley Medjugorje Centre was formed through a charity set up to send relief to Bosnia-Herzegovina during the late civil war. Afterwards we kept in touch with our donors and found [...]

2017-09-25T19:01:35+00:00July 2005 Articles|

Sorrow and obedience

Patrick Henry Reardon is a Senior Editor of Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity Interpreting the death and resurrection of Jesus in the light of biblical literature (1 Cor. 15: 3-4), the early Christians savoured the contrast between the disobedience [...]

2017-09-25T19:00:26+00:00July 2005 Articles|


America Fruity faith We all know that the great John Paul had a profound impact on the Church, so much so that sympathy for the Faith has surfaced in the most unlikely quarters. The Pennsylvania Episcopalian, even, featured an article [...]

2017-09-25T18:59:54+00:00July 2005 Articles|

letters to the editor

Blessed be Mary From Mr O.W.H. Clark Whence comes this frothy, shame-ridden, breast-beating about Anglican devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary [ND comment, June]? When, in recent years, has the Church of England as such shewn disregard, disrespect, coldness, negativity, [...]

2017-09-25T18:59:19+00:00July 2005 Articles|

30 days

Pipped at the post Commiserations to the Diocese of Easton, in Maryland, whose bishop, James J. Shand, must have been disappointed at the coverage afforded to the Diocese of Louisiana over its difficulties with its Diocesan Controller, Mrs Selwa Perry, [...]

2017-09-25T18:58:51+00:00July 2005 Articles|

Vote, vote, vote

Gerry O'Brien who was first elected to the General Synod in 1980, offers a straightforward guide to the up-coming elections, unravelling the mysteries of the single transferable vote The new General Synod to be elected in a couple of months [...]

2017-09-25T18:58:21+00:00July 2005 Articles|
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