Home/July 2005 Articles

the way we live now

Geoffrey Kirk delves into some of the recent books on the Crusades and muses on the clash between West and East You will have noticed that the Crusades are in fashion. The booksellers’ tables groan with glossy summaries intended to [...]

2017-09-25T18:57:50+00:00July 2005 Articles|

Cardinals fighting

John Hunwicke continues his investigation into the theology of Pope Benedict, by considering the seemingly arcane debate about the nature of the Church between him and Cardinal Kasper, which has implications for a free province Ratzinger’s star is falling; Kasper’s [...]

2017-09-25T18:57:23+00:00July 2005 Articles|

Trying again and again

If at first you don’t succeed; try, try again!’ That Mary Poppins-like admonition has become the guiding principle of Jacques Chirac, Gerhard Shröder, and all the Brussels eurocrats. If a referendum fails, pause for a while and then repeat it. [...]

2017-09-25T18:56:53+00:00July 2005 Articles|

what do we want?

There can be no future without a free province, but how do we go about achieving it? How should ordinary folk think and talk about the prospect? David Nicholl tries to think about the possibilities One of the more worrying [...]

2017-09-25T18:56:16+00:00July 2005 Articles|


The Pietists' love A Holy-Cross Sister We Christians have come to a fine pass as we journey into the third millennium. We should be striding forwards together in confidence, proclaiming unity, peace and concord to our troubled times, secure in [...]

2017-09-25T18:55:41+00:00July 2005 Articles|

Joy at a birth

When, a few weeks ago, it was revealed that Derbyshire sisters Natasha (16), Jade (14) and Jemma (12) had given birth to, respectively, T-Jay, Lita and Amani, there was media uproar. Their mother blamed their schools for providing poor quality [...]

2017-09-25T18:54:58+00:00July 2005 Articles|

All you need is love

George Austin examines the effect of the theological and ethical turmoil of the early Sixties and how what began as an almost academic reassessment of doctrine led to an erosion of traditional morality When Fisher resigned in 1961, the Prime [...]

2017-09-25T18:54:13+00:00July 2005 Articles|

Choosing consonants

'Consonant with Scripture'. This novel formula seemed like a one-off when used in 1992; yet it made a triumphant return within the recent ARCIC report Mark Stevens investigates this ingenious phrase There is, as you have probably observed, an ecology [...]

2017-09-25T18:29:23+00:00July 2005 Articles|

Ghostly Counsel

Learning the piano Andy Hawes is Warden of Edenham Regional Retreat House Looking back, some of the best spiritual direction I have received was from piano teachers. At secondary school my teacher was William Varcoe (who wrote for The Tablet [...]

2017-09-25T18:28:53+00:00July 2005 Articles|

Awaiting judgement

The Primates of the Anglican Communion asked for a Panel of Reference to deal with the ecclesiological flash-points in provinces and dioceses. Now the Panel has been named we give some samples of the problems it will face At its [...]

2017-09-25T18:28:21+00:00July 2005 Articles|
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