Home/July 2008 Articles


Zimbabwe Mugabe attacks Anglican Archbishops HARARE, 8 June 2008 The government of Zimbabwe strongman Robert Mugabe has denounced the Archbishops of Canterbury and York as tools of British foreign policy. In an article published on 2 June in the government-backed [...]

2017-10-31T17:31:43+00:00July 2008 Articles|


Zimbabwe Mugabe attacks Anglican Archbishops HARARE, 8 June 2008 The government of Zimbabwe strongman Robert Mugabe has denounced the Archbishops of Canterbury and York as tools of British foreign policy. In an article published on 2 June in the government-backed [...]

2017-10-01T13:54:26+00:00July 2008 Articles|

last chronicle

At a private, ceremony in Wales, the civil partnership of the controversial transgendered bishop, the Rt Revd Jennifer Jones and Ms Margaret Nugent was solemnized yesterday. Bishop Jennifer, formerly the Revd James Jones, was married to Ms Nugent in 1990. [...]

2017-10-01T13:53:49+00:00July 2008 Articles|

Forward in Faith update

Welcome! A warm welcome to New Directions' quarterly tabloid sibling, Forward plus, which is being distributed with New Directions for the first time. It will continue to be distributed in bulk to parishes, but at last we are able to [...]

2017-10-01T13:53:16+00:00July 2008 Articles|

30 days

12 + 7 = 26 Elsewhere in this issue of New Directions, Stephen Marsden draws attention to the arithmetical skills of Watch. But it is not only at St Johns, Waterloo, the HQ of Mrs Rees' merry band, that the [...]

2017-10-01T13:52:46+00:00July 2008 Articles|

Touching Place

ST WILFRID, CANTLEY, YORKS Though you would not guess it from its exterior, an historical document sits snugly amid the manicured lawns of this suburb, for it was here that Ninian Comper was first able to recreate a medieval altar [...]

2017-10-01T13:52:11+00:00July 2008 Articles|

the way we live now

Geoffrey Kirk explains the fundamental differences between marriage and civil partnership and how recent developments have further emphasized these differences I am no enthusiast of Dr Cranmer's liturgical anthology, but it does have its uses. In particular, it is quite [...]

2017-10-01T13:51:45+00:00July 2008 Articles|

faith of our fathers

Arthur Middleton on Herbert Thorndike (1598-1672) As I wrote in Fathers and Anglicans, 'To betake ourselves to the Fathers, to listen in humility rather than look through the restrictive parameters of the Roman Church, the Greek Church, the Anglican Church, [...]

2017-10-01T13:51:15+00:00July 2008 Articles|

Sacred vision

Souls of the blessed It is one of the problems of science, and philosophy, that too much imagination gets in the way of truth. The 'big bang' is a wonderfully expressive concept, and a large part of the reason this [...]

2017-10-01T13:50:47+00:00July 2008 Articles|

In God’s image

The purpose of time in our understanding of God's love Patrick Henry Reardon is a Senior Editor of Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity Said He Who Is, let us make man according to our image. There is no need [...]

2017-10-01T13:49:12+00:00July 2008 Articles|
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