Home/July 2022 Articles

Ghostly Counsel

Andy Hawes    Creation & Recreation   To cherish creation and to care for it, to take it and remake, is essential to all human life and activity. It is the bedrock of our spiritual life. Our Lord’s Incarnation renewed [...]

2023-01-29T14:12:28+00:00July 2022 Articles|


Capel Lofft makes the case for why we need a new heroic age of Church leadership   It may be antiquated and romantic whimsy, but I cling to a notion of the ideal bishop as undaunted hero of the faith, [...]

2023-01-29T14:12:02+00:00July 2022 Articles|

The Power and the Glory

Michael Middleton offers a reflection for the Feast of the Transfiguration   Scholars have suggested several possibilities for the site of the Transfiguration, but today pilgrims head for Mount Tabor in Galilee, a quiet and rather lovely spot. The cars [...]

2023-01-29T14:11:22+00:00July 2022 Articles|

Queen of Heaven, Ocean Star

Robert Beaken considers the Feast of the Assumption   There are few hard facts about Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Instead, we are confronted with fragments, passed on by word of mouth for several generations, before finally being committed [...]

2023-01-29T14:10:45+00:00July 2022 Articles|

Picturing the English Liturgy

Stephen Keeble of St George’s, Headstone, in Harrow celebrates their unique and extraordinary acquisition of the work of Martin Travers   Historian of Anglo-Catholicism Michael Yelton describes Martin Travers’s ‘High Mass’ drawings for Pictures of the English Liturgy as ‘perhaps [...]

2023-01-29T14:09:45+00:00July 2022 Articles|

Kitchen Dispatch

Forget Ferrero Rocher, Philip Corbett talks to Ameer Kotecha about how ambassadors impress and inspire with what they serve to guests around the globe   As I sat down on a plush leather sofa in the Foreign Office to talk [...]

2023-01-29T14:08:56+00:00July 2022 Articles|

Seriousness and inner strength

Mark McIntyre introduces St Titus Brandsma, Carmelite Martyr of Dachau   There is a wonderful photograph of the Brandsma family, dated 5th August 1905. Rather like another famous Carmelite saint’s family, five of the six children are members of a [...]

2023-01-29T14:08:12+00:00July 2022 Articles|


The War on the West Douglas Murray Harper Collins, 2022 ISBN 978-0008492496   The high-profile political commentator Douglas Murray believes that a cultural war ‘is being waged remorselessly against all the roots of the Western tradition and against everything good [...]

2023-01-29T14:07:41+00:00July 2022 Articles|


Festus   Proposals for the reassignment of Society bishop responsibilities to the See of Oswestry have two positive features. The first is that it has never been filled and was a Victorian creation, probably at the behest of Gladstone and [...]

2023-01-29T14:06:35+00:00July 2022 Articles|
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