Russian diary
Stephen Grainger walks one more street to see the final church on his list in Moscow and St Petersburg Tsar Nicolas II commented that St Petersburg was ‘of Russia but was not Russian’ and he was certainly quite correct. [...]
Stephen Grainger walks one more street to see the final church on his list in Moscow and St Petersburg Tsar Nicolas II commented that St Petersburg was ‘of Russia but was not Russian’ and he was certainly quite correct. [...]
Adventures in Neverland Tom Sutcliffe reviews the Welsh National Opera production of Peter Pan According to Nicola Shulman in the Welsh National Opera programme, J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan is an ‘impossible person’. What age is he for instance, [...]
Art WHAT IS LUXURY? Victoria and Albert Museum 25 April–27 September Admission free The Crafts Council used to have a small shop in the V&A which was the ideal place to see current trends in British craft and [...]
Christopher Smith marvels at the way things that seem unimaginable one year so often become law the next I don’t know when you’ll be reading this, but I’m writing it on the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, [...]
Our opponents will doubtless have been hoping that the appointment of a former Chief Nurse as Bishop of Crediton would tempt us to joke about terminal pastoral care or reprise Kenneth Williams’ role in Carry On Matron. We are sorry [...]
A living sacrifice There is no doubt that our spiritual lives are being manipulated by the intense changes in patterns of living and working taking place in our society. I talk frequently with people of all ages who are [...]
Praying the Creed Austin Farrer Praying the creed’ was the first chapter in a Lent Book published by Faith Press in 1955. A second edition was published in 1958. They are suggestions for turning the Creed into prayer. [...]
I am writing to express my concern at the announcement that in future the magazine will not be published in January or August. My reasons are twofold. While most Forward in Faith members will have lots of contact and no [...]
Arthur Middleton on the role of the preacher in the writings of St Basil St Basil is concerned about the role of the preacher in preaching. The first point he makes is that this preacher must have a certain [...]
Philip Corbett reflects on opportunities for mission and spiritual growth in our parishes It is said by some that it is impossible for us to flourish in the Church of England, the naysayers and peddlers of negativity would have [...]