Home/Julyaugust 2017 Articles

A Courtyard in Jerusalem

Anne George continues her wanders through Jerusalem   The enormous fridge in my tiny kitchen continued to fascinate me, and not, I hasten to explain, merely because of its ever-changing contents. Why was it so battered? There were deeply gauged [...]

‘Where is God?

Andrew Nunn reflects on the love of God in the wake of evil   I was having a pretty normal Saturday evening, like most people.  I had some people staying, and the soon to be ordained deacon for St George [...]

A Helping Hand

Patrick Milner explores the philosophy of the Cardinal Basil Hume Centre in Westminster   The Cardinal Basil Hume Centre is located at the heart of Westminster and was founded by Cardinal Basil Hume in 1986 as a direct response to [...]

Being his witnesses

David Chislett recalls an interesting evangelical opportunity on a Sydney train   One night in 1989 two friends and I were on a Sydney train, travelling back to where we were staying for a meeting of the General Synod of [...]

Summer Diary

‘Thurifer’ now uses public transport   Political autobiographies rarely appeal to me. I cannot complain that they are invariably self-righteous and self-exculpatory; that is their nature, after all. Generally I find them irritatingly unreflective, often dull defence of the indefensible. [...]

A summer tipple

Audubon gets ready to relax   Tanqueray Rangpur Gin Readers of New Directions with good memories for terrible prose, or who only take it for these pages, might remember that my first gin review for this august publication was for [...]

Forward in Food

This month we consider what one might cook for the new editor   Now, where were we?  The Editor, having finally decided that we have spent quite long enough on the reducing diet, is demanding food, and demanding it now! [...]

Secular Liturgies

Tom Sutcliffe goes to Halle in search of Handel   As a former professional countertenor, I confess there are all sorts of reasons why I do not terribly like the countertenor voice in opera. Of course the male alto belongs [...]


The summer season is upon us and in the life of the church that can only mean two things: ordinations and patronal festivals. This year’s statistics show a rise in the number of those being ordained; over the past few [...]

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