More or less history ON A PERSONAL LEVEL, quite a number of us in Forward in Faith Australia actually like our new Primate, Dr Peter Carnley. We know him to be a man of prayer, driven by his love of [...]
More or less history ON A PERSONAL LEVEL, quite a number of us in Forward in Faith Australia actually like our new Primate, Dr Peter Carnley. We know him to be a man of prayer, driven by his love of [...]
A Kind of Loving A DAY or two after submitting the May "Letter," a friend asked if I would let myself be nominated for one of the regional meetings of the New Commandment Task Force. I said, as you will [...]
Toronto Blessing? THE RECENT GATHERING in Toronto of Anglican and Roman Catholic top brass does seem to have raised more questions than it has answered. The fundamental question is what on earth is going on? The Church Times, establishment poodle [...]
DISTAFF HEIR APPARENT. Despite Uncle George making it clear it that he is intending, at personal royal request, to stay on and celebrate the 50 glorious years of Q.E. the II in 2002, would be king-makers and multifarious mutterers and [...]
Martyn Jarrett WHEN I ANNOUNCED, to my eldest son, that I was off to Burnley for the day, he combined the one fact he knew about the place with an impeccable sense of logic. It was obvious that, eccentric to [...]
Everybody is permitted to reproduce this column - but with a Health Warning: NOTHING IN THIS COLUMN SHOULD BE RELIED UPON AS FIRM EVIDENCE FOR ANYTHING. All facts or opinions expressed herein are purely interim. They are constantly under review [...]
Rodney Schofield describes a Church which has Faith in the Future WHATEVER THE PUBLIC HYSTERIA in Britain, genetically modified food is certainly good news for Malawi. Two years ago about 25% of smallholders were using GM maize seed; today the [...]
Arthur Middleton deplores recent trends in the retreat industry THE OTHER DAY I found myself browsing through Retreats 2000. The bold affirmation made in this journal is that there are provided in our Retreat Houses so many enigmatic variations on [...]
Bill Gull has an encounter of a serious kind in Cairo PUTTING A QUESTION to the Pope is not everybody's opportunity. 'The Pope' in this case was not the successor of St Peter at Rome but the 117th successor of [...]
A Remarkable Theologian ONE OF THE MOST interesting and remarkable men to live and teach in Oxford was MARTIN JOSEPH ROUTH. Thomas Mozley regarded him as the greatest name in patristic theology at Oxford and a reputation in Europe. Dean [...]