Home/June 2007 Articles

arts, books, other reviews

art SACRED British Library until 23 September - free This is a major exhibition and of direct interest to ND readers - the textual transmission of the sacred texts of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Since book pages, even when beautifully [...]

2017-09-29T15:30:26+00:00June 2007 Articles|


Communiqué compliance? The Anglican Communion Council, a right-wing think-tank (to use UK jargon) has issued its second report on how far the leaders of The Episcopal Church have complied or intend to comply with the Primates' Communique from Dar es [...]

2017-09-29T15:29:50+00:00June 2007 Articles|

letters to the editor

No, not private From the Rector General, Society of Catholic Priests In your interpretation of Affirming Catholicism's recent submission to the Legislative Drafting Group [May, Comment], you state that 'the theological understanding of the office of a bishop within Christ's [...]

2017-09-29T15:29:08+00:00June 2007 Articles|

30 days

Like Father... 'The dynamic diocesan center I envision would have to be a church first and foremost, housing at its heart the altar, with the various related aspects of the total mission of the Church going out as spokes from [...]

2017-09-29T15:28:07+00:00June 2007 Articles|

Touching Place

HOLY ANGELS, HOAR CROSS, STAFFS The late Canon Colin Stephenson once said, ‘I have never ceased to admire the single-minded devotion of the really converted high church woman’; such a woman built Hoar Cross church. Widowed at 31 when her [...]

2017-09-29T15:27:26+00:00June 2007 Articles|

faith of our fathers

Arthur Middleton on Thomas Oden Thomas Oden, in his Care of Souls in the Classical Tradition, claims that in the last fifty years the classical tradition of pastoral care has been steadily accommodated to a series of psychotherapies. 'It has [...]

2017-09-29T15:26:54+00:00June 2007 Articles|

the way we live now

Geoffrey Kirk offers a cautionary tale to show how a penchant for a priori posturing has replaced common sense with unnecessary strife When, in 1862, Sir George Gilbert Scott put the finishing touches to his design for the new church [...]

2017-09-29T15:26:23+00:00June 2007 Articles|

Sacred vision

King Henry as David One of the most important things medieval illuminated books offered their patrons, in return for the huge costs of production, was their visual incorporation into the drama of God's salvation. Instead of great tombs and memorials [...]

2017-09-29T15:25:54+00:00June 2007 Articles|

Hebrew poetry

The prayerful purpose of the poetic parallels in the Psalms Patrick Henry Reardon is a Senior Editor of Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity When Israel came out of Egypt: the house of Jacob from a people of foreign tongue, [...]

2017-09-29T15:25:22+00:00June 2007 Articles|
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