Home/June 2011 Articles


Christopher Johnson is a second-year ordinand and Senior Student at St. Stephen’s House, Oxford. He is currently reading for a doctorate in Church history, entitled ‘The Priesthood in Anglo-Saxon England’. Luke Miller is the Archdeacon of Hampstead. Many of our [...]

2017-10-07T19:51:10+00:00June 2011 Articles|


There is much about which to rejoice at present. Naturally we continue to sing our Easter praises and remember that we are indeed an Easter people and Alleluia is our song. Indeed, I expect there were one or two shouts [...]

2017-10-07T19:50:27+00:00June 2011 Articles|

An explanation From Major D P Wilson MBE Royal Artillery (Retired) I reply to Dr Harry Donnelly’s letter in your May issue. I am sorry that the doctor was saddened by my letter in the April issue. Perhaps I stressed [...]

2017-10-07T19:49:51+00:00June 2011 Articles|

30 days

Deja vu 30Days wouldn’t have dreamt of mentioning something of an apparent recent spat between the Primate of the Traditional Anglican Communion and the Archbishop of Toronto, who is acting as the Delegate of the Congregation for the Doctrine of [...]

2017-10-07T19:48:36+00:00June 2011 Articles|

touching place

ST GEORGE, CLUN, SALOP Clunton and Clunbury, Clungunford and Clun are the quietest places under the sun’, burbled A. E. Housman, and it’s true; a century later, Shropshire and Herefordshire are maybe the two last unspoilt counties in England south [...]

2017-10-07T19:47:44+00:00June 2011 Articles|

Sacred Vision

Paul Griffin explains why our churches, like our own bodies, should not be regarded as our permanent possessions There are some pretty deserted churches in our land. Visiting one in Norfolk on a fine day, we sat in the sunny [...]

2017-10-07T19:46:57+00:00June 2011 Articles|


Damnation of Faust Tom Sutcliffe on Terry Gilliam’s production of Berlioz’s Opera, set in Nazi Germany My heart sank when I leafed through the programme for English National Opera’s new production by Terry Gilliam of Berlioz’s Damnation of Faust, as [...]

2017-10-07T19:43:33+00:00June 2011 Articles|

Book of the month

Benedicta Ward SLG on an important new study of Christian Priesthood ON CHRISTIAN PRIESTHOOD Robin Ward Continuum, 161pp, pbk 978 0826499080, £14.99 In this new and insightful book, Robin Ward examines the tradition of understanding priesthood as integral to the [...]

2017-10-07T19:42:56+00:00June 2011 Articles|

the way we live now

Geoffrey Kirk highlights the flaws in the argument that only a mixed priesthood can adequately represent the Incarnate God In the Reader’s Digest – an interesting choice for a debut appearance, especially since his only previous interview had been a [...]

2017-10-07T19:42:09+00:00June 2011 Articles|
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