Home/June 2012 Articles

faith of our fathers

Arthur Middleton offers some pre-ordination reflections for ordinands It is difficult being a priest in the present climate, where, even in the Church, the secular culture rather than the Gospel determines so much. Gladstone in the nineteenth century said that [...]

2017-10-09T16:42:15+00:00June 2012 Articles|

All the world’s a stage…

Francis Gardom writes about his recent dramatic interlude It was never my ambition to become a professional actor. But the similarities between Church and Stage have become more and more obvious throughout my ministry. Not just as a priest. Every [...]

2017-10-09T16:33:12+00:00June 2012 Articles|

To Heaven by Gothic

Michael Fisher considers Pugin’s vision of an English Catholic Church Give paper and pencils to any group of people and ask them to do a quick sketch of a church. Most, if not all, will draw a building with pointed [...]

2017-10-09T16:32:37+00:00June 2012 Articles|

views, reviews and previews

THE QUEEN Art and Image National Portrait Gallery 17 May–21 October Admission £6, concessions available BRITISH DESIGN 1948–2012 Innovation in the Modern Age Victoria and Albert Museum 31 March–12 August Admission £12, concessions available WHERE ARE Derrida and Foucault when [...]

2017-10-09T16:31:42+00:00June 2012 Articles|

Mary Queen of Shops

Clare Williams asks whether the Church can learn anything from the British high street’s attempt to re-engage with society and put itself back at the heart of the community We’re shopping on the internet. Recession is killing the big chains. [...]

2017-10-09T16:26:45+00:00June 2012 Articles|

A cure for all ills

If thinking about the outcome of next month’s Synod, or the prospect that Jeremy Clarkson will swap his Top Gear for Archbishop of Canterbury gear, makes you feel ill, and you continually broadcast your discomfort, take heed from the cautionary [...]

2017-10-09T16:26:13+00:00June 2012 Articles|

Anglican Patrimony

Christopher Trundle on the history of the great Anglican preaching tradition Preaching at the royal court was, until relatively recently, a largely ignored area of study for historians and scholars. The preaching of sermons before the Sovereign, his household and [...]

2017-10-09T16:23:56+00:00June 2012 Articles|
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