Ghostly Counsel
Andy Hawes Vocation & Calling This is the month when the church especially prays for those to be ordained and for vocations to the ordained ministry. But all of us are called by God, and each of us [...]
Andy Hawes Vocation & Calling This is the month when the church especially prays for those to be ordained and for vocations to the ordained ministry. But all of us are called by God, and each of us [...]
For the parish, sacraments are both purpose and place, argues Alison Milbank Reading responses to the amalgamation of parishes in Wigan, I was moved by the many letters of protest from ordinary Anglicans, sometimes hand-written, giving them an added [...]
ALL SAINTS, KING’S CLIFFE, NORTHANTS All Saints is a substantial church in an expanding village, cruciform, with a substantial aisled nave and transepts. When you see a church with a central tower, it is usually a good bet that [...]
Your prayers are asked for the following candidates as they prepare for ordination; either the candidates are registered with The Society or the parishes in which they (will) serve are. Ordinations to the Diaconate * Philip Garrett at 6pm [...]
The Christian case against war A ministry of reconciliation, love and nonviolence is at the core of Gospel teaching. The just war theory is one of the few Christian doctrines that lacks scriptural or dominical authority. Although Robin Gill rightly [...]
The Vulnerary of Christ The Mysterious Emblems of the Wounds in the Body and Heart of Jesus Christ Louis Charbonneau-Lassay John Champoux, Trans. Angelico Press, 2020 ISBN 9781621386766 In recent years there has been a significant and growing reassertion [...]
Festus So that is it. Martyn Percy has left Christ Church, Oxford, and slammed the door behind him. What a rancorous business it has been. His ‘secret farewell’ took place in the chapel of Exeter College, Oxford, on 14 [...]
Christopher Smith In the space of a few days last month, by coincidence, I saw the originals of those two famous paintings of Her Majesty the Queen by Pietro Annigoni. The earlier picture, from 1955, is perhaps the most [...]
Thurifer A few months ago, Trevor Wood was a new name to me in the genre of crime fiction. He published his first book The Man on the Street in 2019. His detective is homeless, on the streets, once [...]
Michael Langrish A bishop is called to lead in serving and caring for the people of God and to work with them in the oversight of the Church . . . he is to promote its mission throughout the [...]