Home/March 2004 Articles

Europe and the Unborn

Anthony Bell reports on a key conference on the right to life On 26th and 27th March the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children hosted a major Eurpopean conference in London. SPUC was moved to convene this meeting to [...]

2017-09-20T19:59:01+00:00March 2004 Articles|

FiF Update

Mass at Christ the King The appointment of Fr John Scott as Honorary Chaplain at Forward in Faith’s Headquarters at Christ the King, Gordon Square, has meant some changes to the weekly cycle of celebrations in the English Chapel. Details [...]

2017-09-16T12:15:58+00:00March 2004 Articles|

Media Watch

Short term memory loass George Austin is ageing It is easy to see who is thought to be watching television during the day, when the adverts are directed so obviously at those of us who are moving towards our dotage. [...]

2017-09-16T12:15:15+00:00March 2004 Articles|

Stay and fight

Paul Griffin on standing where God has put you One of the important lessons of a long life has been not to run away. Owing to pride allied to a certain timidity of temperament, I have tended to run away [...]

2017-09-16T12:14:42+00:00March 2004 Articles|

Book Reviews

The power of myths real and imagined Secret Fire The Spiritual Vision of JRR Tolkien Stratford Caldecott DLT, 144pp, pbk 0 232 52477 7, £9.95 JRR Tolkien was explicitly and carefully a faithful Roman Catholic Christian. Maybe the spirituality is [...]

2017-09-16T12:13:58+00:00March 2004 Articles|

Letter from Australia

Impaired communion Throughout the ordination of women debate and again in recent months with regard to the consecration of Gene Robinson in New Hampshire there has been a great deal of talk about ‘impaired communion’. Bishops and dioceses have declared [...]

2017-09-16T12:13:19+00:00March 2004 Articles|

Letter from America

More Networking If the over 3,000-strong ‘Plano-East’ meeting January 9–10 just south of Washington, DC, was an example, the network of faithful Episcopalians emerging within the Episcopal Church (ECUSA), but outside its official structure, was even then becoming – as [...]

2017-09-16T12:12:17+00:00March 2004 Articles|

Synod Insider

Gerry O'Brien on Inconsequentialities Synod spent the week before Valentine’s Day ploughing through a mega-agenda. Five days of debates is the price of meeting only twice in a year and we were of course treated to the familiar urgings to [...]

2017-09-16T12:11:21+00:00March 2004 Articles|

No Abiding City

Bess of Hardwick, the relict and beneficiary of four wealthy husbands, had an ample fortune with which to indulge her insatiable appetite for building. Both old Chatsworth and Hardwick Hall are hers. She believed, it was said, that when she [...]

2017-09-16T12:10:43+00:00March 2004 Articles|
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