Home/March 2019 Articles

Chrism Masses 2019

Bishops of The Society will be celebrating the following Chrism Masses:   Richborough Wednesday 10 April 7.30 pm St Hugh, Eyres Monsell, Leicester   Richborough Saturday 13 April 11.00 am Portsmouth Cathedral   Beverley Sunday 14 April 6.00 pm St [...]

2019-04-01T12:17:02+00:00March 2019 Articles|

Secular Liturgies

Tom Sutcliffe considers European ties   Old men inevitably complain, and if we are living longer we have more time to complain and more to complain about. There seems to be very little sense of history among the young, or [...]

2019-04-01T12:16:24+00:00March 2019 Articles|

Praying for those at rest

David Chislett reflects on the need to pray for the faithful departed   ‘May they rest in peace, and may light perpetual shine upon them’ - those millions among whom our friends are lost, those millions for whom we cannot [...]

2019-04-01T12:15:33+00:00March 2019 Articles|

March Diary

Thurifer considers heritage   The first poem that I learned by heart, nursery rhymes apart, was ‘Loveliest of Trees the Cherry Now.’ By some remarkable failure of synapses I had come to think it was by Walter de la Mare. [...]

2019-04-01T12:13:16+00:00March 2019 Articles|

Views, Reviews and Previews

Art   Bill Viola/Michelangelo: Life Death Rebirth is at the Royal Academy until 31 March 2019   At the entrance to this show its curators state that they are not making a comparison between two artists born five hundred years [...]

2019-04-01T12:12:39+00:00March 2019 Articles|

The way we live now

Christopher Smith tries to organize his Lenten discipline—and keep to it   Here we are, at the last chance saloon before the start of Lent. Have you got your Lenten disciplines sorted out? Do you know what you’re giving up? [...]

2019-04-01T12:11:42+00:00March 2019 Articles|


What might the Church of England look like in a decade? This might be said to be the million pound question, especially given central church bodies are releasing millions of pounds towards the re-evangelisation (or perhaps the evangelisation) of England. [...]

2019-04-01T12:10:50+00:00March 2019 Articles|

Here’s a pretty kettle of fish

William Davage considers the state of British Politics   The largest government defeat in history (a majority of 230) followed by a vote of no confidence in HM’s Government, easily enough defeated given the lack of an overall majority; the [...]

2019-04-01T12:09:47+00:00March 2019 Articles|
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