Home/March 2023 Articles

Ghostly Counsel

Andy Hawes    In a Material World   In Lent we come to terms with our mortality. ‘Dust thou are and unto dust thou shalt return,’ we are told on Ash Wednesday. This is our physical reality. Or is it? [...]

2023-06-22T16:01:08+00:00March 2023 Articles|


Arthur Middleton’s final column and a tribute to Faith of Our Fathers   The original aim of New Directions was to give orthodox Anglicans opposed to the ideology of political correctness, the liberal agenda and the ordination of women a [...]

2023-06-22T16:00:37+00:00March 2023 Articles|

Church Crawling

Simon Cotton sees how the call and the cross were closely intertwined for the BVM   In the Middle Ages, the calendar changed year at the Annunciation. This was a frequent subject of the mediaeval artist, for example on a [...]

2023-06-22T15:59:20+00:00March 2023 Articles|


ART   Spain and the Hispanic World:  Treasures from the Hispanic Society Museum and Library   Royal Academy, London,  until 10th April, 2023   This short exhibition opened at the end of January and will soon be over. Don’t waste [...]

2023-06-22T15:57:56+00:00March 2023 Articles|


Festus   It felt like time to give Martyn Percy a rest, then the Editor sends on an email. A former member of General Synod (who failed in their 2021 re-election attempt) has written in to take issue with this [...]

2023-06-22T15:57:00+00:00March 2023 Articles|


Christopher Smith   This time three years ago, I put in a rather jolly column using characters from Molesworth to take the mickey out of certain types on General Synod. The following month, my April column, written in mid-March, commented [...]

2023-06-22T15:56:25+00:00March 2023 Articles|

Father, be with us!

The sermon preached by Fr Barry Orford at the consecration of Bishop Paul Thomas   We come joyfully to Fr Paul’s Consecration as a Bishop in Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. And what better than to present him [...]

2023-06-22T15:55:25+00:00March 2023 Articles|


Thurifer   A degree of schoolboy amusement was to be had considering a list of Habsburg emperors. Werner the Pious, Albert the Rich, Rudolf the Kind, Albert the Wise were fairly staid but were followed by Rudolf the Tight Lipped, [...]

2023-06-22T15:54:36+00:00March 2023 Articles|
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