Home/May 2002 Articles


Sacred Synod The Second Sacred Synod for clergy takes place at the Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street, London SW1 on Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 October. All clerical members of Forward in Faith will shortly (if they haven’t already) receive Registration [...]

2017-08-01T15:07:56+00:00May 2002 Articles|

Book Reviews

Theodicy, ethics and something for the Jubilee MAKING GOOD Helen Oppenheimer SCM, 144pp, pbk 0 334 2832 9, £13.95 Whilst this book is eminently accessible in its style, it is not one that can be scampered through in one sitting. [...]

2017-08-01T15:04:38+00:00May 2002 Articles|


Carnley Goes It Alone It was bound to happen. Over the last two months, following the debates in Europe and the USA, Australia took its turn to consider what constraints, if any, should be placed on human embryonic stem cell [...]

2017-08-01T15:02:00+00:00May 2002 Articles|


Nothing Will Alter That The leading defender of faithful Episcopalians has gone public about a private, high-level meeting at Episcopal Church (ECUSA) headquarters last May, charging – in light of events since – that no assurances given to traditionalists by [...]

2017-08-01T15:01:21+00:00May 2002 Articles|


A tale of two mothers Inevitably, we tend to see the Church of England from a very Anglican perspective. In fact, it is quite easy to be lulled into that seductive idyll where we imagine that the Church of England [...]

2017-08-01T15:00:47+00:00May 2002 Articles|


Cock o’ the Midden It is (as our Editor is constantly reminding me) the purpose of this column to comment primarily on developments in secular culture – on shoes, ships, sealing wax cabbages, kings, etc. But it is not possible, [...]

2017-08-01T14:59:51+00:00May 2002 Articles|

30 Days

PAPA'S PATELLA For many years now the health of the Pope has occupied disproportionate space in Catholic publications. The more conservative journals comment with genuine affection and familial concern. The more radical prints can scarcely contain their enthusiasm for his [...]

2017-08-01T14:59:20+00:00May 2002 Articles|

A Grief Observed

Hugh Baker on the Funeral It is a surreal experience to sit in a hotel bedroom in Tenerife, looking out at grey skies, and watching rather bluer ones in London, courtesy of BBC World. Hardly anyone was by the pool, [...]

2017-08-01T14:58:48+00:00May 2002 Articles|
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