Home/May 2006 Articles

Ghostly Counsel

Listening Andy Hawes is warden of Edenham Regional Retreat House In his Reith lectures the pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboim spoke of ‘The Neglected Sense’ – he explored the capacity of a person to listen and hear. He pointed out [...]

2017-09-27T18:18:47+00:00May 2006 Articles|

Blockbuster secret!

The Thirteenth Disciple Alastair Bornkamm, Rainbow, pp342, pbk, 0 884 929765 £23.99 In this ground-breaking book Alistair Bornkamm, Professor of New Testament Studies in the University of Arbroath, has revolutionized thinking about gender distinctions in the New Testament. Bornkamm’s starting [...]

2017-09-27T18:18:20+00:00May 2006 Articles|

Decline, fall, hope

After his series on the Church of England over the past fifty years George Austin looks to see if there is any discernible pattern or lesson to be learned from what has happened Young men may see visions but old [...]

2017-09-27T18:17:44+00:00May 2006 Articles|

Masonic involvement

Paul Hale rolls up his trousers and investigates a dispute most of had thought long gone Can you be a Christian and a Freemason? This question has become topical once again following the Bishop of Rochester’s intervention to prevent the [...]

2017-09-27T18:17:12+00:00May 2006 Articles|

Living more simply

Arthur Middleton suggests a spiritual commitment to think about Christian Aid Week For Christians, problems arise when there is harmony between the practice of Christianity and life in consumer society. To what extent does the Christian allow his life to [...]

2017-09-27T18:16:43+00:00May 2006 Articles|

Faith and power

John Turnbull has been reading a recent report from Christian Ecology Link and wondering what it ought to say What is the point of specifically Christian ecological thinking? It might be that the principal task is an internal one, to [...]

2017-09-27T18:16:05+00:00May 2006 Articles|

Lost shepherds

The House of Bishops is much exercised by jurisdiction. This obsession with jurisprudence, and the power to exercise it, is a long way from their apostolic task. Are they concerned with pastoral care and evangelical integrity, or with having power [...]

2017-09-27T18:15:27+00:00May 2006 Articles|

Truth infallible

Paul Griffin is no great fan of papal infallibility but finds it more palatable than many of the alternatives. Our grasp of the truth is never easy and we err if we seek to trivialize the issues involved Among the [...]

2017-09-27T18:14:54+00:00May 2006 Articles|

Doing the business?

The Bishop of Willesden the Rt Revd Pete Broadbent gives a forthright assessment of the failings of General Synod and the workings of other National Church Institutions A few Synod hours down the line from your first entry into the [...]

2017-09-27T18:13:58+00:00May 2006 Articles|

Sharing the vision

Dr C. K. Tan as an Evangelical member of General Synod writes a letter to his Catholic friends and allies, with confidence in a new province if its purpose is sufficiently positive and inclusive May I express how delighted I [...]

2017-09-27T18:12:14+00:00May 2006 Articles|
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