Home/May 2008 Articles

arts, books, other reviews

CRANACH The Royal Academy of Arts 8 March-8 June 2008 Admission £8 Take my advice. Go to the Royal Academy, march past the people queuing for the absurd 'From Russia' exhibition, and stagger upstairs to the Sackler Wing, where you [...]

2017-09-30T21:32:36+00:00May 2008 Articles|


ITALY Path to conversion Magdi Allam recounts his path to conversion in a letter to the director of Cor-riere della Sera, for which he worked as a journalist - Benedict XVI baptized him at the Easter Vigil, 2008 Yesterday evening [...]

2017-09-30T21:32:05+00:00May 2008 Articles|

last chronicle

It was announced today that Celeb!/ the news and media magazine, has done an exclusive deal (in excess of $1.5 million) for sole publishing rights on the 'marriage' of controversial American bishop Gene Robinson to his long time partner, Mark [...]

2017-09-30T21:31:36+00:00May 2008 Articles|

letters to the editor

Pouring scorn From Bishop Colin Buchanan I read the article in the April issue by Sarah Mowbray with considerable interest. I respect her integrity and can sense the value to ND's cause of a straying daughter returning to her rightful [...]

2017-09-30T21:31:08+00:00May 2008 Articles|

Forward in Faith update

Legislative Drafting Group The Report of the Legislative Drafting Group, which has been meeting under the chairmanship of the Bishop of Manchester, was reportedly due to be published as this issue of New Directions went to press. All members of [...]

2017-09-30T21:30:39+00:00May 2008 Articles|

30 days

GAFCON the Golden The Dean of Southwark, our old friend the Very Revd Colin Slee, has offended countless readers of the Daily Telegraph - to say nothing of the Prime Minister, who included it in his selection for Desert Island [...]

2017-09-30T21:30:04+00:00May 2008 Articles|

Touching Place

ST ETHELDREDA'S, HORLEY, OXON Horley is so far north in Oxfordshire that it is virtually in South Warwickshire, an ironstone village for Banbury commuters. The church is a tripartite Norman building of chancel, central tower and nave (the latter widened [...]

2017-09-30T21:29:01+00:00May 2008 Articles|

the way we live now

Geoffrey Kirk looks at the link between Christianity and the eight Millennium Development Goals The real trouble about the set your patient is living in,' wrote Screwtape to Wormwood, 'is that it is merely Christian. They all have individual interests, [...]

2017-09-30T21:28:24+00:00May 2008 Articles|

faith of our fathers

Arthur Middleton on pastoral burnout Pastoral burnout is mistakenly thought to be a modern malaise, yet it was a familiar condition known to the classical pastoral writers, who repeatedly faced it thoughtfully and resourcefully in order to avert it. 'Keep [...]

2017-09-30T21:27:57+00:00May 2008 Articles|

Sacred vision

Sebastiano del Piombo - Pieta Sebastaino took the painterly skills of the Venetians to Rome where he met the Florentine tradition of designo, and in particular the style of Michelangelo. This Pieta, perhaps his greatest work, is a study in [...]

2017-09-30T21:27:33+00:00May 2008 Articles|
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