Home/May 2014 Articles

Thought of the day

Wind power You can't see it but you can often feel it. There are times when it is right in your face. Sometimes its effect is extraordinary and superhuman in its power. I am talking about the wind but I [...]

2017-10-10T19:02:26+00:00May 2014 Articles|


I spent some time recently in the parish of St Mary's Horden in the Diocese of Durham. There at the heart of the community, like all our parishes the priest and people were working hard to spread the Gospel in [...]

2017-10-10T19:01:53+00:00May 2014 Articles|

touching place

ALL SAINTS, ST IVES, HUNTS It has not always been St Ives; a Saxon hamlet called Slepe surrounded the site of the present church. A later priory of St Ivo to the east became a centre of pilgrimage, so the [...]

2017-10-10T19:01:17+00:00May 2014 Articles|

the way we live now

Christopher Smith ponders politicians 'doing God', and the job satisfaction ind Eastertide is with us at last, and we can set aside our fasting and do a bit of feasting. And our politicians have given us some Paschal food for [...]

2017-10-10T19:00:51+00:00May 2014 Articles|


Twin passions Tom Sutcliffe reports on opera and art in Meiningen and Chichester Meiningen in Thuringia ( J.S. Bach's region of Germany, just north of the border with Catholic Bavaria) has about 4,000 fewer than Chichester's 25,000 inhabitants. I just [...]

2017-10-10T19:00:22+00:00May 2014 Articles|


Turned to gold Arthur Middleton The hymns of George Herbert are familiar to you. In one of his hymns, Teach me my God and King, he sees avarice succinctly expressing the paradox of money. Money becomes the drudge which we [...]

2017-10-10T18:55:23+00:00May 2014 Articles|

faith of our fathers

Arthur Middleton on Neville Figgis and the spirit of Antichrist Fr Neville Figgis, of the Community of the Resurrection and an Honorary Fellow of St Catherine's College Cambridge, was a prominent preacher in Edwardian England. His sermon Antichrist is prophetic [...]

2017-10-10T18:54:31+00:00May 2014 Articles|

Ghostly Counsel

Waiting on God Andy Hawes is Warden of Edenham Regional Retreat House Jesus gave them this command: 'Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised.' To wait is the Lord's command to the disciples at the [...]

2017-10-10T18:53:56+00:00May 2014 Articles|

Nicolas Stebbing CR

reflects on the defeat of darkness by the Resurrection When the dark comes rising, six will turn it back, Three from the circle, three from the track; Wood, bronze, iron, water, fire, stone, Five will return and one go alone. [...]

2017-10-10T18:53:28+00:00May 2014 Articles|
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