Home/May 2015 Articles

Making Jesus Present

In his Chrism Mass homily the Bishop of Ebbsfleet reflects on apostolic responsibility and the importance of prayer   It is often (and rightly) said that one of the criteria of the work of apostolic ministers is to be a [...]

2018-10-09T12:53:07+00:00May 2015 Articles|

Missionary monks

Nicolas Stebbing CR on the many ways in which monastic communities can contribute to mission   Is the phrase ‘missionary monks’ a contradiction? We have stereotypes: missionaries are out on the road, or teaching under palm trees, or preaching to [...]

2018-10-09T12:51:18+00:00May 2015 Articles|

Representing the people

Alan Smith considers the merits of different voting systems   In a general election for a Member of Parliament one places an ‘X’ against the name of a candidate. This has the effect of a small but finite increase in [...]

2018-10-09T12:50:04+00:00May 2015 Articles|

The ‘gift’ of priesthood

Michael Bowie urges the CofE not to overlook the existence of a priestly character   ‘And the man who broke the bread and said the ‘thanksgiving’ over the ‘cup of blessing’ had in him all the possibilities of a priest’ [...]

2018-10-09T12:49:11+00:00May 2015 Articles|

Vote XX

The Rt. Hon. Sir Tony Baldry on his time as Second Church Estates Commissioner, his current role as Chair of the Church Buildings Council, and his intention to stand for election to General Synod   Earlier this year I was [...]

2018-10-09T12:47:19+00:00May 2015 Articles|
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