Home/May 2020 Articles

Touching place

S. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS, KERRY, POWYS Judging by the circular churchyard, this is an early site; there’s probably been a church ded-      icated to Saint Michael and All Angels at Kerry for a millennium or more, certainly [...]

2020-06-10T13:41:18+00:00May 2020 Articles|


Simon Cotton considers the Eighteenth Century Church The small village of Tyberton lies on a byroad in the depths of rural Herefordshire. Its small brick church is obviously 18th century: as you approach, you note the absence of an East [...]

2020-06-10T13:40:36+00:00May 2020 Articles|

Letter to the Editor

From Dr Simon Cotton Sir, Nigel Palmer’s interesting article on Pusey (April ND) mentions his aristocratic background; as Nigel Aston pointed out some years ago, that also acted as a doctrinal source for him. His grandfather on the maternal side [...]

2020-06-10T13:39:40+00:00May 2020 Articles|

Gospel Writer

John Gayford on the origin and history of the Gospel attributed to St. Matthew The very early church after Pentecost had no need for scriptures; they already heard and possibly read Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic versions of the Old Testament. [...]

2020-06-10T13:38:45+00:00May 2020 Articles|

Lockdown Diary

Thurifer remains in Hampstead An ambition to cultivate a talent for idleness was long thwarted. The continuing quarantine was not without a degree of quiet satisfaction. Domestic tasks were undertaken more methodically and regularly. I had other work to do [...]

2020-06-10T13:38:03+00:00May 2020 Articles|

Views, reviews and previews

Art Titian: Love, Desire, DeathNational Gallery until 14th June, 2020 New Directions reviews exhibitions which are open for the whole month of the issue in which the review is published. This exhibition was suspended three days after its opening and [...]

2020-06-10T13:37:14+00:00May 2020 Articles|

The way we live now

Christopher Smith recalls the work of this column’s founder I was terribly sad to hear that Geoffrey Kirk died on Good Friday, although I was aware that he’d not been all that well for some years.  Many, perhaps most, readers [...]

2020-06-10T13:36:08+00:00May 2020 Articles|


The watchword of the minute seems to be unprecedented. As we continue, at the time of writing, in lockdown each day seems to bring something new and something unprecedented; whether for good or ill. Two unprecedented moments that brought joy [...]

2020-06-10T13:35:12+00:00May 2020 Articles|

Death of Mar Francis II:

A Communion Mourns Tributes have been paid to the late Mar Francis II, Archbishop of the Old Northern Catholick Church of the East Riding, Metropolitan and Primate, who died on 22 April. His Grace’s predecessor, Blessed Mar Terry I, died [...]

2020-06-10T13:34:30+00:00May 2020 Articles|

Ghostly Counsel

How important is church? Andy Hawes  Priest friends are divided in predicting the effect of Corona Virus on church life. One view is that church going, being such a hard habit to establish for many people, will stop altogether for [...]

2020-06-10T13:33:41+00:00May 2020 Articles|
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