Jonathan Baker Every year, since ordination as a bishop, I have tried to spend the Sacred Triduum in the same place and with the same people, as I did for many years residentially with the community of Pusey House [...]
Jonathan Baker Every year, since ordination as a bishop, I have tried to spend the Sacred Triduum in the same place and with the same people, as I did for many years residentially with the community of Pusey House [...]
Andy Hawes Being Human What is the point of being human? Ignatius Loyola in his ‘First Principle and Foundation’ gave one succinct summary: ‘ Man is created to praise and reverence God and by this means to save [...]
The late Anthony Kilminster on the Coronation as ‘a particularly special moment’ My mother acquired a television set for us in time for Christmas 1952. Many families did the same and in South Wales we watched with fascination as [...]
SAINTS PETER AND PAUL, KINGS SUTTON, NORTHANTS Typically of villages in the region of Banbury, Kings Sutton has numerous ironstone buildings, including thatched cottages. Over it all presides the late 14th c. tower and spire of the parish church, [...]
On the Jubilee of Queen Victoria Alfred, Lord Tennyson I. Fifty times the rose has flower’d and faded, Fifty times the golden harvest fallen, Since our Queen assumed the globe, the sceptre. II. [...]
FiF Director Tom Middleton speaks to Fr Chris Brading about his new appointment The Society has announced that the second half of its National Missioner role is to be undertaken by Fr Chris Brading SSC, who will work alongside [...]
Ernest Shearman Ecclesiastical Architect Diana Beckett 2QT Publishing, 2021 ISBN 978 1 91408 321 1. Over the course of the 19th century, the population of England expanded greatly. Just from 1800 to 1833, the year of Keble’s Assize sermon, [...]
Festus Images of the martyred St Sebastian often present a muscular male torso, tied to a tree or pillar, and pierced with numerous arrows. But such a holy depiction was not what did for the Rev Michael Todd. He [...]
Christopher Smith Last autumn, I was not surprised to see a headline in the Church Times that ran, ‘Move to online worship a loss, not a gain, say universities’ researchers’. Some academics had spent a year studying the matter, [...]
The Bishop of Lewes It strikes me that through our Lenten observance we have been seeking something like a pedicure with our whole lives, seeking to scrape off the dead skin, the hardness of our hearts before we prepare, all [...]