Home/November 1997 Articles

Letter from America

From Dallas to Lameth THE 1998 LAMBETH CONFERENCE promises to have an unprecedented build up. In addition to a series of regional meetings in all parts of the world and following on the Anglican Encounter in the South which took [...]

Letter from Australia

Christians in the House of Intellect OVER THE LAST ten years Australia's tertiary education scene has experienced radical reshaping. Instigated by the previous Labor Government, the dogma of economic rationalism and new managerialism has continued to be the creed of [...]


Stephen Trott turns to Gerard Manley Hopkins to measure and modulate the nation's grief THE NEWS WHICH BROKE early in the morning of Sunday 31 August had about it a disturbing air of unreality. I, for one, simply could not [...]

The Way we Live now

Hush Hush Whisper who Dares THE OBSESSION of the Church of England at all levels with secrecy and confidentiality is a serious matter. In an individual rather than an institution it would undoubtedly merit professional attention from the men in [...]

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