Simon Beveridge gives an insight into patterns of priestly ministry in the Royal Navy WHEN I TOLD priest colleagues in the diocese back in 1993 that I was going to join the Royal Navy as a chaplain my announcement was [...]
Simon Beveridge gives an insight into patterns of priestly ministry in the Royal Navy WHEN I TOLD priest colleagues in the diocese back in 1993 that I was going to join the Royal Navy as a chaplain my announcement was [...]
Roger Beckwith deals with a perennial issue EVANGELICALS are not renowned for the important place in their thinking which they give to bishops. The local congregation and its pastor, with his traditional freehold, are much more central for them. In [...]
Philip Murphy describes how the New Managerialism came to Leytonstone UNDER THE SHADOW of the cross of Jesus Christ the eternal High Priest, on the eve of Holy Cross Day 2000, the Deanery of Waltham Forest made history. Deanery Representatives [...]
THE RECENT VISIT of Queen Elizabeth to Pope John Paul has once again revealed how little-understood is Anglican theology by English people. Apparently, Buckingham Palace was at pains to point out that the Queen was visiting the Pope merely as [...]
Philip Ursell recalls a man of many parts I REALISED we were in for something unusual when Fr Harvie lit the candles on the High Altar, donned cassock and cotta and plugged his Cassio keyboard into the P.A. system of [...]
November 2000 A national newspaper which majors on a sermon preached by Dr George Carey in the Isle of Man is a newspaper desperate for copy [The Daily Telegraph, October 28]. And yet... the Carey sermon is worth some attention. [...]