Home/November 2007 Articles

letters to the editor

Wise women From Fr David Sutton ssc I was interested to read Geoffrey Squire's tale of his encounters with women clergy, and his closing comments, with which I heartily agree [ND September]. In Manchester a small group of Forward in [...]


Central Africa Kunonga must go The Rt. Rev. Norbert Kunonga must go, leaders of the Anglican Province of Central Africa said, calling upon the controversial Bishop of Harare to relinquish control of diocesan assets by Oct. 16 or face a [...]

Forward in Faith update

The following Resolutions were passed by the Forward in Faith National Assembly, meeting in the Emmanuel Centre, London, on 19th & 20th October, 2007: Resolution 2007/01 This Assembly gives thanks to God for the work and witness of RooT (Religious [...]

30 days

Hot under the collar The Fourth Estate took a break from its usual gay-bishop-schism-shock-horror mode early last month to report on the suggestion that clergy should stop wearing dog collars, as it would make their lives safer. The Sunday Telegraph [...]

the way we live now

Geoffrey Kirk goes in search of Anglican identity What's in a name? Now that the search is on in earnest to devise an ecclesiology which will fit the rapidly disintegrating Anglican Communion, it occurs to me that we can learn [...]

faith of our fathers

Arthur Middleton on keeping thinking and feeling united in our devotion In 1827 John Keble published The Christian Year, which became his most famous volume of poetry, selling an average of 10,000 copies a year for fifty years. It has [...]

Touching Place

ST ANDREW, MELLS, SOMERSET The setting of Mells church is memorable, approached along New Street, designed and built as a whole, c.1470, by Abbot Selwood of Glastonbury. The fine Perpendicular tower, building around 1446, is more restrained than later Somerset [...]

Sacred vision

Quarton - Coronation of the Virgin The medieval village of Villneuve-les-Avignon lies just across from the busy town of Avignon. In contrast to the town, the village and its museum offer an oasis of calm - the museum is devoted [...]

The Holy One

The vision of the Lord described in Isaiah 6 emphasizes the message that Christ alone is holy Patrick Henry Reardon is a Senior Editor of Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity When we speak of Christ, among all human beings, [...]

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