Home/November 2018 Articles

News from Pusey House

Anna James reports on the Pusey House Library catalogue digitization project.   Pusey House Library has started on a major new project to make records of its 30,000 printed books accessible online. The Library is launching a Crowdfunding appeal to [...]

2018-12-27T17:08:01+00:00November 2018 Articles|

Assumpta est Maria!

Ryan Danker reflects on what the Assumption reveals about Mary   I want to take us back to my home turf, Washington, DC, and to the basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, the largest Roman Catholic church [...]

2018-12-27T17:07:11+00:00November 2018 Articles|


Fr Beau Brandie has written to New Directions to inform us of two factual errors in Ian Miller’s article about the Shrine of Our Lady of Haddington:   The Abbot referred to was of Nunraw and not Munro Patrick Lauderdale [...]

2018-12-27T17:06:12+00:00November 2018 Articles|

Remembrance Diary

Thurifer considers memories and memorials   The eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month of 1918 resonates still after 100 years. It is as if the words themselves toll in solemn measure for the fallen. This centenary [...]

2018-12-27T17:03:23+00:00November 2018 Articles|

Faith of our Fathers

Arthur Middleton on a scriptural mind   Long before our Anglican Formularies, Athanasius was telling us that the holy and inspired scriptures are sufficient for the declaration of divine truth, and it is out of these said scriptures that we [...]

2018-12-27T17:02:03+00:00November 2018 Articles|

A Courtyard in Jerusalem

Ann George is summoned to attend a remembrance service   I have always enjoyed looking round graveyards. Some of my earliest memories are of my mother taking me with her to the huge cemetery in Grove Park, London, where there [...]

2018-12-27T17:00:33+00:00November 2018 Articles|

Secular Liturgies

Tom Sutcliffe considers front gardens and gender roles   I recently returned to visit friends in Poundbury. The Prince of Wales’s experiment in suburban provincial living continues to grow and thrive, and is certainly not a ‘carbuncle’ added to the [...]

2018-12-27T16:59:31+00:00November 2018 Articles|

Views, reviews and previews

Art   Mantegna and Bellini National Gallery until 27th January, 2019   Charles Ryder famously didn’t know there were three Bellinis. This show concentrates on the one he did know, Giovanni (active 1459-1516), and on his brother-in-law, Andrea Mantegna (1430/1-1506). [...]

2018-12-27T16:58:25+00:00November 2018 Articles|
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