Home/October 1999 Articles

Letter from America

The Mind of the Maker AS I AM SURE has been covered in the English press, Kansas' board of education recently voted that a particular theory of evolution would not be included on the state's education tests; at which vote [...]

Letter from Australia

From Church to Denomination IN AUGUST 1982, the Dean of Adelaide, the Rt. Rev’d. Lionel Renfrey, released the second edition of his well known mass book. In the preface he referred to the fact that “on 24th August 1981 the [...]


NO NEWS IS BAD NEWS ON SATURDAY 4TH SEPTEMBER, 1999 in an interview with The Observer newspaper the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, launched a call for "a new national moral purpose". Despite warnings that the PM risked the odium that [...]

Synod Insider

Uncommon Prayer MEMBERS OF SYNOD have endured a heavy diet of liturgy in recent months. The Liturgical Commission (the work simulation scheme set up by the Archbishop of Canterbury to counter the threat of clerical unemployment) has been providing us [...]


Third Time Lucky? Our Crem. correspondent was present recently at a funeral where the “Dear Departed”? was not the usual first timer. The recently deceased had, originally, requested a burial at sea which was duly carried out by the chosen [...]


O all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord, praise him and magnify him for ever. APPROPRIATELY ENOUGH, some might think, from the state that brought us the delights of The Wizard of Oz, comes the ruling of [...]

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