Home/October 2008 Articles

Unity matters

John Hunwicke asks us to take seriously Pope Benedict's call for unity Many of us are by no means ashamed to be called 'Papalist Anglicans' because we regard unity with Rome as the ecumenical priority. Too few people realize that [...]

Book reviews

GOD'S EXECUTIONER Oliver Cromwell and the Conquest of Ireland Micheal O Siochru Faber, hbk, 316pp 978 0571241217, £14.99 Historians spend a considerable amount of their time and academic energy, perhaps too much of their time, debunking historical myths and correcting [...]


Sweden 50 years of women priests Stockholm, 19 September The (Lutheran) Church of Sweden is about to mark the fiftieth anniversary of its decision in 1958 to ordain women as priests, and cathedrals in all of the church's thirteen dioceses [...]

last chronicle

New Directions interviewed the Archbishop of Wales at a recent Press Conference. New DIRECTIONS: The Welsh Church seems to be changing direction under your leadership, Archbishop. You have discontinued the role of PAB, or Provincial Assistant Bishop, and said that [...]

Forward in Faith update

National Assembly We gather this year at the Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street, London SW1 for the 15th Forward in Faith National Assembly in the wake of the July sessions of the General Synod, during which each and every opportunity to [...]

Forward in Faith update

National Assembly We gather this year at the Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street, London SW1 for the 15th Forward in Faith National Assembly in the wake of the July sessions of the General Synod, during which each and every opportunity to [...]

30 days

Your money- I Every year the bishops eagerly await details of the Golden Mitre and Wooden Crosier awards, and it seems that perhaps they have put pressure on the Commissioners to release details of 2007 expenses sooner than those for [...]

Touching Place

ABBAYE N. D. DU BEC, NORMANDY Drive down the old Route Rationale south-west of Rouen and after half an hour or so turn right onto the D39. After a couple of kilometres, the road takes a sudden rise, and you [...]

the way we live now

Geoffrey Kirk on how the Whig interpretation of history has been given a church reinterpretation as 'the tide of God' Rooting through some old correspondence I recently came across an exchange of letters (from around 1990) with the then Bishop [...]

faith of our fathers

Arthur Middleton on heresy The 'one faith' was given 'once for all' [Jude 3] by the Apostles from the momentary voice of God the Father at Jesus' baptism: "Thou art my beloved Son', and at his Transfiguration: "This is my [...]

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