Home/October 2008 Articles

Retrieving riches

Arthur Middleton considers what it is that may be worth saving if the Church of England is to break up and how we might go about restoring the treasures of the Anglican heritage Cardinal Kasper, who has given generously of [...]

A hidden treasure

Ernest Skublics calls upon us to rediscover the Rosary as a way of cultivating our relationship with God by offering Him our time, and as a means of focusing our attention on moments in the life of Christ A very [...]

Defeat transformed

Anthony Saville draws our attention to a poetic account of Anglo-Saxon heroism which has provided him with encouragement and inspiration with its lessons about defeat, victory and the nature of loyal service The politics is unavoidable; the prayer is a [...]

True justice denied

Sr Anne Williams CA explains why she cannot accept the usual justice argument in favour of women bishops, and why a promise once made should also be regarded as a matter of justice The question that I have been asked [...]

Law and freedom

John Richardson remembers some wise words of Martin Luther The recurring news items about people being threatened with fines for putting up posters about missing pets typifies that sense that ours is a society which has lost its moral compass. [...]

Reviewing the story

In a first of a series, Paul Benfield reminds us how earlier legislation for women's ordination made its fitful progress through General Synod and why earlier confusions may be a source of some encouragement now After the July General Synod [...]


Bishop Edwin Barnes replies This is an extract from the Presidential Address to the Church Union on 13 September. ... There is something in her piece [ND September], though, which is far more telling. She upbraids us for saying that [...]

Forward in obedience

Mark Stevens assembles some of the essential elements of the controversy in order to consider the practical options that are set before us and where and how we should be going forward to fulfil our commission from the Lord 'It [...]


There is no denying that the medical research industry is a major part of the UK economy, and we are all the beneficiaries of the wealth it brings. Nevertheless, it would be wise to consider more carefully the nature and [...]

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