Home/October 2016 Articles

Where Did You Get That Hat?

Allan Barton on Hollar’s Monasticon and the Augustinian biretta   In 1652, Wenceslaus Hollar, an artist and etcher from Prague, moved to London. He had lived in London before, in the 1630s and ’40s, after his talents had been recognised [...]

2018-09-24T12:16:27+00:00October 2016 Articles|

More Catholic than the Pope?

The Bishop of Norwich on some historic aspects of Anglican Papalism   During the Papal visit to the United Kingdom in 1981 St John Paul II and Archbishop Robert Runcie issued a common declaration thanking God for “the progress that [...]

2018-09-24T12:15:40+00:00October 2016 Articles|


Knowing God   Icon of God The knowledge of God, given in the realm of faith as experience – the corporate experience of the Church – implies knowing God in the true sense of the root meaning of “know”, which [...]

2018-09-24T12:14:13+00:00October 2016 Articles|

Ghostly Counsel

Prayer and Pain   October 4 marked the Feast of St Francis of Assisi. One of the themes of Francis’ spirituality is suffering and prayer; and there were three types of suffering in his life. The first was the extreme [...]

2018-09-24T12:13:31+00:00October 2016 Articles|

News from Forward in Faith

This year’s National Assembly will be held at the Church of St Alban the Martyr, Holborn, on Saturday 19 November, beginning with Mass at 10.30 am and concluding with Benediction at 4.30 pm. The Council finalised the agenda at its [...]

2018-09-24T12:12:07+00:00October 2016 Articles|

Whose Debate Is It, Anyway?

Gary Waddington continues his reflections on the Shared Conversations   Is Sex the “Evangelical Problem”? More than once throughout the Shared Conversations process I was struck as being not only a participant, but also an observer in what felt an [...]

2018-09-24T12:11:06+00:00October 2016 Articles|

Heeding the Call

Some questions from Nicolas Stebbing CR   Why did Our Lord’s disciples follow Him? They left boat, tax desk, and family when He called them, not knowing where he was going. There must have been something utterly irresistible about His [...]

2018-09-24T12:10:08+00:00October 2016 Articles|

Seeing Our Own Reflection

Julian Browning gazes at the Bishops’ Reflection Group On Sexuality   I abandoned and forgot myself, Laying my face on my Beloved; All things ceased; I went out from myself, Leaving my cares Forgotten among the lilies   St John [...]

2018-09-24T12:08:35+00:00October 2016 Articles|

Spiritual Songs

Come let us join our friends above  That have obtain’d the prize, And on the eagle-wings of love  To joy celestial rise; Let all the saints terrestrial sing  With those to glory gone, For all the servants of our King [...]

2018-09-24T12:03:41+00:00October 2016 Articles|
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