Of Dragons and Darkness
Christopher Scott gives a Cornish perspective on the Fifteenth of August and the Solar Eclipse A GREAT PORTENT APPEARED in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of [...]
Christopher Scott gives a Cornish perspective on the Fifteenth of August and the Solar Eclipse A GREAT PORTENT APPEARED in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of [...]
by David Mills Spinning for Gold Conservatives were surprised this summer when the activist group Episcopalians United let go their writer and editor Douglas LeBlanc. He had edited The United Voice, an excellent quarterly newsletter, from editing which EU had [...]
Journeying with Jesus SPENDING TIME is a serious business and every business has its cost. It feels good to be active and useful but we know we need loopholes too, where we can stop and let things be - let [...]
Struwelpetre THANK GOODNESS the silly season is coming to an end. The press, as usual, have been at their old game of sensationalising the most humdrum of church business. They always seem to be in league with the rent-a-quote merchants. [...]
After the Ball AS MRS PARKER-BOWLES jets off, none too discreetly, to a holiday in the Aegean with the entire future of the British monarchy, one question ineluctably presents itself: whatever happened to Diana? The nation's grief for England's Rose [...]
Return to the Fathers TO ENCOURAGE a return to the Fathers does not mean a return to mere texts and propositions. It means recovering their spirit, the secret inspiration that made them informed witnesses of the Church. It is not [...]
Highways and Byways of Hymns SMOKING CAUSES CANCER REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS to New Directions pick up some varied feedback. One reader (Forward in Faith) rates this column as the best thing in the paper. Another (in Reform) writes from Venice, 'You [...]
a souvenir Twenty-five years ago three retired bishops illegally ordained eleven women to the priesthood. In August nine of the eleven returned to celebrate the event. As a memento of the occasion New Directions prints some of the addresses given [...]
ITALY WAS AWESOME! The beaches! The sunsets! The pasta! But I can't honestly say that the archaeology was up to expectation. The Priscilla fresco, supposedly the highlight of the whole itinerary, was, I am afraid, a disappointment. We were led [...]
OVER THE PAST 13 YEARS there have been around 180 nations where Christians have come onto the streets and marched for Jesus. This means between 10 and 11 million believers together have, in one 24-hour event, expressed their love for [...]