arts, books, other reviews
Modigliani and his models At the Royal Academy Modigliani was a painter of people. He did paint a few landscapes, but it is as a painter of portraits and of nudes that he is chiefly known, and that is the [...]
Modigliani and his models At the Royal Academy Modigliani was a painter of people. He did paint a few landscapes, but it is as a painter of portraits and of nudes that he is chiefly known, and that is the [...]
America I Paranoid ranting In his diocesan newspaper the soon-to-retire Bishop of California, the Rt Revd William Swing writes: n twenty-seven years of writing to you, I have spent little or no time covering breakaway groups in the Bay Area [...]
Objective sacraments From the Revd Richard Chown I was intrigued by the Bishop of Lincoln’s article in August; he raises a number of interesting points and states, ‘…unless sacraments are objectified and are thereby elevated to a status reserved for [...]
General Synod, July 2018 A motion brought to the Synod by the House of Bishops ‘That this Synod welcomes and affirms the view of the majority of the House of Bishops that reincarnation is consonant with the faith of the [...]
The thirteenth Forward in Faith National Assembly ... . . . will take place at the Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street, London SW1 on Friday 6th & Saturday 7th October, 2006. Forward in Faith Diocesan Branches and Registered and Affiliated Parishes [...]
Cock and Bull Many thanks to the Daily Telegraph for this gem from a profile of Watch Chairman, General Synod stalwart and BBC Radio monopolist Christina Rees: ‘I had scrambled peacock eggs for breakfast,’ said Christina, over her shoulder, as [...]
St John the Evangelist, Shobdon You’re John Bateman, a young 18th century viscount. Though you spend most of your time in London, you also have a country house in Herefordshire, which is in the latest Palladian style. The church next [...]
De La Tour's Magdalen Strange that Georges de la Tour’s heroic Magdalen has not been chosen for the cover of one of the many books about her which have multiplied in recent years. Here is a woman worthy of the [...]
Should churches concentrate on weekday services rather than Sunday worship? Statistically and theologically the answer is no, says Geoffrey Kirk It was never easy to take the ‘Keep Sunday Special’ campaign too seriously. It was, in the first place, so [...]
Andy Hawes, Warden of Edenham Regional Retreat House Anxiety is the dark invader of the heart; it brings fear and confusion, it is associated with depression and the precursor of many forms of illness. Living and anxiety are inseparable; the [...]