Home/September 2012 Articles

Fr Ivan writes

Into the deep end Some years ago I was included in a seminar of Catholic priests from six European nations who met in a Madrid convent. They had all left their official Church to make contact with alienated fellow churchmen [...]


Assumptiontide Festival at Walsingham We congratulate our contributor and member of the Editorial Board, Fr Andy Hawes on his new role as editor of the Prayer Book Society Journal. The Revd Dr James Hawkey is Sacrist of Westminster Abbey. Gregory [...]


New DIRECTIONS Founded 1993 The next issue of newdirections is published on 5th October This month the Bishops of the Church of England will meet to discuss the legislation that would allow women to be consecrated to the episcopate. They [...]

30 days

Reet Canny Innovations 30Days is delighted to see that much-overlooked corner of England, the north-east, which pioneered so much industrial innovation, is spearheading the twenty-first century re-writing of two thousand years of Christian faith and practice. For example, our roving [...]

touching place

St Margaret’s, Herefs St Margaret’s takes a bit of finding in the high ground behind Abbey Dore, but when you get there you can look round to the southern Herefordshire hills, or to the Black Mountains on the Welsh border. [...]


Serious money perhaps, but summer opera not seriously engaged Tom Sutcliffe reflects on the summer season and finds room for improvement Glyndebourne had been giving Mozart a rest for some years. Instead Wagner got a look in with Tristan und [...]

Book of the month

Nicholas Turner commends a beautifully written critique of the current atheist orthodoxy THE FACE OF GOD The Gifford Lectures 2010 Roger Scruton Cambridge University Press, 200pp, hbk 978-1847065247, £18.99 A smile holds warmth, and conveys warmth. It goes beyond words [...]

the way we live now

Christopher Smith on the Pope, John Hick, the Dodo, and the dictatorship of relativism The Olympics are over, and we have been reminded that the modern world cannot relativize everything. The competitors either won or they didn’t, although there were [...]

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