Now that the dust has settled after the vote in General Synod to allow women to be ordained to the episcopate, the time has come for us as a constituency to regroup and refocus on our future. We have fought [...]
Now that the dust has settled after the vote in General Synod to allow women to be ordained to the episcopate, the time has come for us as a constituency to regroup and refocus on our future. We have fought [...]
Our Community, though Anglican of course, feels a deep sense of involvement in the canonisations this year of St John XXIII and St John Paul II because of some precious memories from the past. Back in the mid-twentieth century, when [...]
I asked God to explain himself, but he would not, Would not even explain why he would not. In the beginning was the word But the word was silent. Once, he used to talk to me All day about theology. [...]
ST CATHERINE, HOARWITHY, HEREFS. Even when you know what you are about to see, there are some churches that still induce a shock when you encounter them for the first time. Hoarwithy is one of these. I almost did a [...]
Crispin Harrison CR considers the value of the Psalms FINDING GOD IN THE PSALMS Sing Pray Live Tom Wright SPCK, 200pp, pbk 978 0281069897, £6.99 Christians in Gaza must find it difficult to use the Psalms particularly because they glorify [...]
Christopher Smith reflects on the sacrifice of those who died in the ‘war to end all wars’ As I write, and we have an early deadline this month, I am struck by the way in which the centenary of the [...]
Tom Sutcliffe brushes up on his Shakespeare I never saw the film of Shakespeare in Love. But I was invited to a Gala performance of the play which Lee Hall has crafted out of the film script and parted with [...]
Prayer preparation Andy Hawes is Warden of Edenham Regional Retreat House The quality and fruitfulness of a time of prayer is dependent on the preparation for it. Preparation is the key to many activities in life – from sowing seeds [...]
MALEVICH Tate Modern 16 July–26 October Admission £14.50, concessions available Kazimir Malevich the avant-garde Russian artist and Laurence Sterne the Yorkshire clergyman both provide a useful service to the busy aesthete: once you have sampled their work you needn’t bother [...]
Nicolas Stebbing CR on the nineteenth-century revival of the religious life and the need for its renewal today Back in 1833 when the Catholic movement in the Church of England is reckoned to have started (that is an oversimplification but [...]