Home/September 2016 Articles

Thy Stomach’s Sake

Our cellarer's tips for September   Il Papavero NV Italian wine labels can be terrifying – there’s more red tape in Italian viticulture than at the opening of a particularly large publicly financed building project. If you don’t know the [...]

2018-09-10T14:47:58+00:00September 2016 Articles|

Forward in Food

‘Audubon’ favours curry   Scrolling through the television channels the other day, I came across Jamie Oliver plying his trade in the usual way. He was bashing away, throwing, and tossing – when suddenly he sprinkled smoked paprika over a [...]

2018-09-10T14:47:28+00:00September 2016 Articles|

September Diary

‘Thurifer’ recalls his time as an activist, among other things   Even from the perspective of two months, the maelstrom of events following the Referendum is dizzying. The resignation of the Prime Minister, the serial resignations from the Shadow Cabinet, [...]

2018-09-10T14:46:20+00:00September 2016 Articles|

Secular Liturgies

Tom Sutcliffe on seeing and believing   Berlin’s Komische Oper, like the Bavarian State Opera, has a festival in July when one can catch up with the new work of the season. I saw two productions by Barrie Kosky, the [...]

2018-09-10T14:45:39+00:00September 2016 Articles|

The way we live now

Christopher Smith will not be locking the doors   In October 2010, a group of gunmen – ‘Islamists’, to use the currently approved word – burst into a church in Baghdad during the Sunday evening mass, and slaughtered their priest, [...]

2018-09-10T14:43:30+00:00September 2016 Articles|


The July editorial was out of date the day after it went to press – victim, in good company, of a phenomenon that Private Eye dubbed “Crystalballs”. To be fair to our sources at Westminster, no one could really have [...]

2018-09-10T14:42:49+00:00September 2016 Articles|

Letter to the Editor

From the Revd Dr Barry Orford   Sir―   Just what is going on in the Church of England? In the June issue of New Directions Fr Gary Waddington recalled a member of an evangelical church asking why their curate [...]

2018-09-10T14:42:07+00:00September 2016 Articles|


Peace in a Changing World John Newton, 1725-1807   Constant change affects our bearings, and we need to know that everything is going to be alright in the end. Nothing remains unquestioned – not even our faith – and the [...]

2018-09-10T14:40:47+00:00September 2016 Articles|
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