Home/September 2017 Articles

Fr Arthur Shearly Cripps

Nicholas Stebbing remembers this St Francis-like character, a great champion of the African poor Arthur Shearly Cripps is now not much known outside Zimbabwe, alhough his work was published and read in England where he numbered Charles Gore and Laurence [...]

2018-10-22T15:11:09+00:00September 2017 Articles|

A Courtyard in Jerusalem

Anne George witnesses an unusual transaction The beginning of a school year at an international school in Jerusalem is a bit untidy. Putting aside the general problem of returning to a very different student population than that of the previous [...]

2018-10-23T13:28:47+00:00September 2017 Articles|


Saul approves of stoning.  Crazed Hellenistic widows champion Stephen, received justice orthodox style after angering revered members of the Sanhedrin with a blasphemous tirade disputing the word of Moses himself.  The deluded Stephen, a recent convert to the Christian cult, [...]

2018-10-22T15:08:41+00:00September 2017 Articles|

September Diary

Thurifer recalls heady days, and goes to see the Queen Although the sweltering heat-wave of mid-June had abated, cooling zephyrs did not penetrate the walls of St Silas the Martyr, Kentish Town, on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of [...]

2018-10-22T15:07:31+00:00September 2017 Articles|

Forward in Food

Audubon spills the beans Such is the power of advertising that, if asked to picture a tin of beans, what probably comes to mind is that green can with the white lettering. I obviously shan’t be giving them any more [...]

2018-10-22T15:07:06+00:00September 2017 Articles|

Secular Liturgies

Tom Sutcliffe on truth in an age of revisionism I recently found myself having an argument on Facebook with my wife’s publisher about gender differences. Like me, he is now in his seventies, and he was maintaining almost as an [...]

2018-10-22T15:06:40+00:00September 2017 Articles|

Views, Reviews and Previews

Art Canaletto and the art of Venice Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace, until 12th November, 2017 Timing is all when you buy contemporary art. The American Robber Barons had the good fortune to be at their height when the Impressionists’ paint [...]

2018-10-22T15:06:06+00:00September 2017 Articles|
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