National Assembly
We gather this year at the Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street, London SW1 for the 15th Forward in Faith National Assembly in the wake of the July sessions of the General Synod, during which each and every opportunity to agree to equitable, proper provision for those of our integrity was spurned.
Immediately following the debate on 7th July, a joint statement from the Catholic Group in General Synod and Forward in Faith warned both the Synod and the Church of England at large that ‘actions always have consequences’. We now meet in order to settle what some of those consequences shall be.
Different in shape
This years Assembly will, therefore, be different in shape and in form. Over our two days together, we will hear a number of brief presentations which we hope will help us all better to understand what has happened and what will happen in the future.
Informed decisions
We hope to place before the delegates all that will be necessary in order for them to make informed decisions about the action which we must take.
Each presentation will be followed by a period of debate and discussion; following certain of the discussions, formal resolutions will be moved on behalf of the Forward in Faith Council.
Guiding discussions
Amongst those guiding our discussions, in addition to members of the Forward in Faith Executive, will be Fr Jonathan Baker, Fr James Patrick, Fr Sam Philpott and Fr Paul Benfield. In spite of all these priests on the platform, we hope that the lay delegates will not be slow in coming forward to tell us what they – and you – want Forward in Faith to do at this challenging juncture!
Devotional Address
The Friday evening will close as usual with a Devotional Address, which will this year be delivered by Prebendary Bill Scott, Sub-Dean of the Chapels Royal, Sub-Almoner, Deputy Clerk of the Closet and Domestic Chaplain to Her Majesty the Queen. Fr Bill is of course a distinguished former Vicar of St Mary the Virgin, Bourne Street and we particularly look forward to welcoming him to our Assembly.
Archbishop Hepworth
We also look forward to seeing Archbishop John Hepworth, the Primate of the Traditional Anglican Communion, along with three of his bishops: Bishop David Moyer from Pennsylvania, Bishop Harry Entwistle from Western Australia and Bishop David Robarts, Chairman of Forward in Faith Australia. Also due to be present is the Bishop of Quincy, Illinois, the Right Revd Keith Ackerman, President of Forward in Faith North America.
St Alban’s, Holborn
On the Saturday morning at 9.30 am, we will meet at St Albans, Holborn for the National Assembly Mass. Thanks are due to our good friend Fr Howard Levett, SSC, the Vicar of S.Albans for his hospitality again this year, as Christ the King, Gordon Square cannot at present cope with the numbers which the Assembly generates.
Unity of Christians
Our Chairman, the Bishop of Fulham, will preside and the Bishop of Beverley will preach at a Votive Mass for the Unity of Christians – we much look forward to hearing what Bishop Martyn has to say to us in these difficult days!
All members of Forward in Faith are as usual warmly invited to attend part or all of the National Assembly; for fuller details and to register as an Observer, please contact Colin Niblett at Gordon Square.
The FiF College of Deans
Anglia Regional Dean
Fr Alan Cross SSC: 020 8504 4687
Chichester Regional Dean
Fr Beau Brandie SSC: 01273 604687
Derby Regional Dean
Fr William Butt: 01246 472270
East Wessex Regional Dean
Fr Barry Fry SSC: 023 8022 3107
Kent Regional Dean
Fr David Herbert SSC: 020 8467 3809
Lichfield Regional Dean
London Regional Dean
Fr Malcolm Gray SSC: 020 8950 7860
Mercia Regional Dean
Fr Ronald Crane SSC: 0121 373 8348
Northern Yorkshire Regional Dean
Fr Gareth Jones: 01765 601745
Northumbria Regional Dean
Fr Beresford Skelton SSC: 0191 565 6318
Norwich Regional Dean
Fr Peter Keeling SSC: 01328 820310
North Wales Regional Dean
Fr Robert Rowland SSC: 01745 570750
Oxford Regional Dean
Fr Ross Northing SSC: 01908 562148
Scotland Regional Dean
Fr Len Black SSC: 01463 233797
South Wales Regional Dean
Fr Hadyn England-Simon SSC: 01443 433651
South Yorkshire & Notts Regional Dean
Fr Tony Delves SSC: 01709 898426
Southwark Regional Dean
Fr Andrew Stevens SSC: 020 8854 0461
Tamar Regional Dean
Fr Sam Philpott SSC: 01752 222007
The Marches Regional Dean
Fr John Pitchford SSC: 01684 575893
The North West Regional Dean
Fr Alan Cooke: 0161 624 2005
The Ouse Regional Dean
Fr Geoffrey Neal: 01234 720938
Trent Regional Dean
Fr Reginald Stretton: 01509 412935
Sub Dean Fr Paul Noble SSC: 01205 362734
West Wales Regional Dean
Fr Philip Wyn Davies SSC: 01974 299010
West Wessex Regional Dean
Fr Peter Clarke SSC: 01935 850408