Home/June 2006 Articles

arts, books, other reviews

Genius at work Michelangelo’s Drawings British Museum until 25 June 2006 The exhibition at the British Museum of Michelangelo’s drawings allows us an insight into his working methods that he never intended us to see. Michelangelo never intended or wanted [...]

2017-09-27T18:41:36+00:00June 2006 Articles|

Letter from America

ECUSA at the Brink? The June General Convention The future of the United States Episcopal Church (ECUSA) and its standing within the Anglican Communion now appears set to be determined chiefly by the June General Convention’s decisions on compliant-sounding resolutions [...]

2017-09-27T18:41:01+00:00June 2006 Articles|

Saving the Earth

Saving the earth From Mr Taylor I was interested to read your article ‘Faith and Power’ in last month’s issue, about Christian Ecology Link and its recent report arguing against nuclear power. I am a member of a number of [...]

2017-09-27T18:40:30+00:00June 2006 Articles|

Last Chronicle

Dear Mr Brown, In the midst of the present media frenzy it will probably not surprise you that your book is being read here. I am myself, like the evangelist Luke, more one for ‘eyewitnesses and ministers of the word’ [...]

2017-09-27T18:40:01+00:00June 2006 Articles|

Forward in Faith Update

Money matters Recipients of New Directions who are also members of Forward in Faith will have received last month a copy of the Annual Report by Cyril Wood, our Honorary Treasurer. Since the foundation of Forward in Faith in November [...]

2017-09-27T18:39:19+00:00June 2006 Articles|

30 days

Know your enemy Warmest thanks to the heresy-infested Episcopal Church of the United States for this text for a Eucharist using Female Nouns and Pronouns. Space does not allow us to give you this guff in its entirety, but you [...]

2017-09-27T18:38:50+00:00June 2006 Articles|

Touching Place

ST PIERRE, AULNAY, FRANCE This summer, if you are driving down through western France to Aquitaine, Gascony, or even Spain, leave the A10 autoroute at Poitiers and head southwest down the N11, then the D950. It is pretty straight, with [...]

2017-09-27T18:38:20+00:00June 2006 Articles|

Faith of our Fathers

Arthur Middleton on the bishop as the focus of unity Ignatius and Irenaeus saw the bishop’s office as a focus of unity, in space and in time, because succession and continuity are integral to apostolicity and catholicity. It is much [...]

2017-09-27T18:37:42+00:00June 2006 Articles|

Sacred vision

THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST Described by Aldous Huxley as ‘the greatest painting in the world,’ Piero della Francesca’s fresco of the resurrection of Christ was his gift to his native town. The painting celebrates two of the town’s most precious [...]

2017-09-27T18:37:15+00:00June 2006 Articles|

The way we live now

Do we live in a gender-neutral society? Geoffrey Kirk evaluates the evidence Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t one of the main arguments in favour of women priests and bishops that we live in a gender-neutral society, and [...]

2017-09-27T18:36:51+00:00June 2006 Articles|
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